Commit 233d47a7 authored by sim's avatar sim

[DOC] Backend servers configuration

parent 05df1312
...@@ -95,6 +95,80 @@ To run Gargantext backend servers do: ...@@ -95,6 +95,80 @@ To run Gargantext backend servers do:
pipenv run make start pipenv run make start
## Configuration
Configuration is located in three files: `.env` (environment variables),
`gargantext.ini` and `postgrest.conf` (these file names are default values,
they can be specified in `GARGANTEXT_CONF` and `POSTGREST_CONF` env variables).
These files are automatically generated by running `make` (or
`make ENVIR=prod`), which takes care of the tedious work.
To generate configuration again, one can run `./tools/ -f <target>`
where `<target>` can be `dev` or `prod`. Be careful, this script will change
Django secret key and PostgREST role password, so all current tokens and
sessions will be invalidated.
### Environment variables
Configured in `.env` (loaded by `pipenv` when running `pipenv run` or
`pipenv shell`).
* `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`: python file path of the django settings module
* `GARGANTEXT_CONF`: django backend and uwsgi configuration file path
* `POSTGREST_CONF`: postgrest configuration file path
### Django backend
Configured in `GARGANTEXT_CONF` (`gargantext.ini` by default) under `[django]`
section. You can override options listed below with environment variables. For
example, to start production servers with DEBUG mode disabled from a
development environment, you can do: `DEBUG=False make ENVIR=prod start`.
See `` (full path in `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`) to understand details
about how these options are used.
* `DEBUG`: `True` | `False`
* `SECRET_KEY`: arbitrary string used by django in various ways[^1], and to
generate JSON Web Tokens, so it MUST be reflected in PostgREST configuration
* `ALLOWED_HOSTS`: space separated list of allowed hosts
* `TIME_ZONE`: see <>
* `DB_HOST`, `DB_PORT`, `DB_NAME`, `DB_USER`, `DB_PASS`: pretty obvious...
* `LOG_FILE`: log file path
* `LOG_FORMATTER`: `simple` | `verbose`, formatters can be added in
* `TESTSERVER_PIDFILE`: pidfile for the testserver (only used by startup script)
[^1]: Details here: <>.
### uWSGI
Configured in `GARGANTEXT_CONF` (`gargantext.ini` by default) under `[uwsgi]`
uWSGI (used to serve django backend in production) configuration is not very
well documented. Here is a comprehensive but very harsh reference of all its
options: <>.
Here are some general options you may need to change:
* `daemonize`: log file path
* `log-reopen`: a `true` value tells uWSGI to write a new file each day
* `pidfile`: pidfile of master process
### PostgREST
Configured in `POSTGREST_CONF` (`postgrest.conf` by default).
Here are Gargantext specific options used by our startup script (NB: these
options won't be taken into account by postgrest itself):
* `pidfile`: pidfile of postgrest process
* `logfile`: log file path
For general options, see <>.
## Customize dev environment ## Customize dev environment
To install specific packages without messing with dependencies, just use pip. To install specific packages without messing with dependencies, just use pip.
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