Commit 27dfcd26 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

files: minor comments in digest

parent 6f90cfab
Creates MD5 hashes (used for unique filepaths)
NB this module could go inside util.files
import hashlib
import binascii
def digest(value, algorithm='md5'):
Ex: b'm\x00\x07\xe5/z\xfb}Z\x06P\xb0\xff\xb8\xa4\xd1'
(16 bytes ranging from 0 to ff)
m =
return m.digest()
def str_digest(value, algorithm='md5'):
Ex: 6d0007e52f7afb7d5a0650b0ffb8a4d1
(32 hex chars)
return binascii.hexlify(digest(value, algorithm)).decode()
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