Commit 2bcff578 authored by sim's avatar sim

[FIX] Fix django configuration script

parent aeff6894
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ echo "::::: DJANGO :::::"
/bin/su gargantua -c 'source /env_3-5/bin/activate &&\
su gargantua -c 'source /srv/env_3-5/bin/activate &&\
echo "Activated env" &&\
/srv/gargantext/ makemigrations &&\
/srv/gargantext/ migrate && \
......@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ echo "::::: DJANGO :::::"
/srv/gargantext/ && \
/srv/gargantext/ createsuperuser'
/usr/sbin/service postgresql stop
service postgresql stop
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