Commit 3f2b219d authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

[FIX] import termlist: was blocking on empty columns (BUG-7)

parent 2e4037c4
......@@ -462,6 +462,9 @@ def import_ngramlists(fname, delimiter=DEFAULT_CSV_DELIM,
for j, colname in enumerate(csv_row):
if colname in ['label', 'status', 'forms']:
columns[colname] = j
# skip empty columns
elif match(r'^\s*$',colname):
raise ValueError('Wrong header "%s" on line %i (only possible headers are "label", "forms" and "status")' % (colname, n_read_lines))
if 'label' not in columns:
......@@ -548,7 +551,9 @@ def import_ngramlists(fname, delimiter=DEFAULT_CSV_DELIM,
imported_ngrams_dbdata.append((ngram_str, n_words))
# returns a dict {term => id} and a count of inserted ones
# -------------------------
(new_ngrams_ids, n_added_ng) = bulk_insert_ifnotexists(
# -------------------------
model = Ngram,
uniquekey = 'terms',
fields = ('terms', 'n'),
......@@ -612,7 +617,7 @@ def merge_ngramlists(new_lists={}, onto_corpus=None, del_originals=[]):
- resolves conflicts if terms belong in different lists
> map wins over both other types
> main wins over stop
> stop never wins
> stop never wins £TODO STOP wins over candidates from main
@param new_lists: a dict of *new* imported lists with format:
{'stop': UnweightedList,
......@@ -667,7 +672,10 @@ def merge_ngramlists(new_lists={}, onto_corpus=None, del_originals=[]):
for ng_id in new_lists[list_type].items:
from gargantext.util.toolchain.main import t
print("MERGE DEBUG: starting index_new_ngrams", t())
n_added = index_new_ngrams(all_possibly_new_ngram_ids, onto_corpus)
print("MERGE DEBUG: finished index_new_ngrams", t())
my_log.append("MERGE: added %i new ngram occurrences in docs" % n_added)
......@@ -677,7 +685,7 @@ def merge_ngramlists(new_lists={}, onto_corpus=None, del_originals=[]):
# DB nodes stored with same indices 0,1,2 (resp. stop, miam and map)
# find target ids of the list node objects
tgt_nodeids = [
onto_corpus.children("STOPLIST").first().id, # £todo via parent project?
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