Commit 45e8d91a authored by c24b's avatar c24b


parent 59e6a5f1
import importlib
from gargantext.constants import RESOURCETYPES
from gargantext.settings import DEBUG
#if DEBUG: print("Loading available Crawlers")
base_parser = "gargantext.util.crawlers"
for resource in RESOURCETYPES:
if resource["crawler"] is not None:
name =resource["crawler"]
#crawler is type basename+"Crawler"
filename = name.replace("Crawler", "").lower()
module = base_parser+".%s" %(filename)
importlib.import_module(module,name, locals(), globals())
#if DEBUG: print("\t-", name)
except Exception as e:
print("Check RESOURCETYPES declaration %s \nCRAWLER %s is not available for %s" %(str(e), resource["crawler"], resource["name"]))
#initial import
#from .cern import CernCrawler
#from .istex import ISTexCrawler
#from .pubmed import PubmedCrawler
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