Commit 463c27b5 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

annotations: filter map from main at initial transmission to avoid...

annotations: filter map from main at initial transmission to avoid interference of the 2 context menus
parent 0e22345f
......@@ -118,12 +118,8 @@
// * (see also InferCRUDFlags in lib/NGrams_dyna_chart_and_table)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO disambiguate annotation.list_id for highlighted MapList items
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Because MapList annotations are also MiamList,
// we should ensure that list_id is indeed "MapList"
// (ie that it was added last in CompileNgramsHtml)
// otherwise the "if" here will propose MiamList's options
// NB: remember that shown mainlist items are actually main 'without map'
// otherwise the menu for mainlist items can hide the menu for map items
if ($rootScope.lists[annotation.list_id] == "MAPLIST") {
......@@ -45,13 +45,18 @@ class NgramList(APIView):
# our results: ngrams for the corpus_id (ignoring doc_id for the moment)
doc_ngram_list = []
doc_ngram_list_add = doc_ngram_list.append
lists = {}
corpus_nod = cache.Node[corpus_id]
doc_nod = cache.Node[doc_id]
scores_nod = corpus_nod.children(typename="OCCURRENCES").first()
for list_type in ['MAINLIST', 'MAPLIST', 'STOPLIST']:
# maplist_ids to filter them from mainlist
maplist_ids = {}
# NB must do mainlist after map for filtering map items out of main
for list_type in ['MAPLIST', 'STOPLIST', 'MAINLIST']:
list_nod = corpus_nod.children(typename=list_type).first()
list_id =
lists["%s" % list_id] = list_type
......@@ -61,8 +66,20 @@ class NgramList(APIView):
# doc_nod.ngrams iff we just need the occurrences in the doc (otherwise do manually)
q = doc_nod.ngrams.join(ListsTable).filter(ListsTable.node_id == list_id)
# add to results
doc_ngram_list += [(, obj.terms, w, list_id) for (w,obj) in q.all()]
# add to results (and optional filtering)
for (w,obj) in q.all():
# special filtering case
# when MAINLIST requested we actually want MAIN without MAP
if list_type == "MAPLIST":
maplist_ids[] = True
if list_type == "MAINLIST":
if in maplist_ids:
# skip object
# normal case
doc_ngram_list_add((, obj.terms, w, list_id))
# debug
# print("annotations.views.NgramList.doc_ngram_list: ", doc_ngram_list)
......@@ -72,7 +89,7 @@ class NgramList(APIView):
{'uuid': ngram_id,
'text': ngram_text,
'occs': ngram_occurrences,
'lid': list_id,}
'list_id': list_id,}
for (ngram_id,ngram_text,ngram_occurrences,list_id) in doc_ngram_list
'lists': lists
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