Commit 56b9177a authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

[FEAT] Indexes and migrations

parent 7e037f5a
# Migration from Gargantext < 3.0.0 versions towards >= 3.*
## Installation
First, install Python 3.5 (see for
download links).
cd /tmp
tar xvfJ Python-3.5.1.tar.xz
cd Python-3.5.1
make -j4 # option is for multithreading
sudo make install
Other components are required:
sudo pip3.5 install virtualenv
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
Then build a virtual environment:
virtualenv-3.5 VENV
source VENV/bin/activate
pip3.5 install git+
pip3.5 install -U -r requirements.txt
## Migrate database
### Django models
./ makemigrations
./ migrate --fake-initial
...or if it fails, try the commandes below:
./ makemigrations
./ migrate --run-syncdb
(see [Django documentation](
### SQLAlchemy models
## Start the Django server
./ celeryd --loglevel=INFO # to ensure Celery is properly started
./ runserver
-- ____
-- / ___|
-- | | _
-- | |_| |
-- \____|arganTexT
-- Gargantext optimization of Database --
--> Manual optimization with indexes according to usages
-- Weakness and Strengths of indexes:
--> it can slow down the insertion(s)
--> it can speed up the selection(s)
--> Conventions for this document:
--> indexes commented already have been created
--> indexes not commented have not been created yet
-- Retrieve Nodes
-- create INDEX on nodes (user_id, typename, parent_id) ;
-- create INDEX on nodes_hyperdata (node_id, key);
-- create INDEX on ngrams (id, n) ;
-- create INDEX on nodes_ngrams (node_id, ngram_id) ;
-- create INDEX on nodes_ngrams_ngrams (node_id, ngram1_id, ngram2_id) ;
-- DELETE optimization of Nodes
create INDEX on nodes_nodes_ngrams (node1_id);
create INDEX on nodes_nodes_ngrams (node2_id);
-- Maybe needed soon:
-- create INDEX on nodes_nodes_ngrams (node1_id, node2_id);
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