Commit 5fc55d30 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

[fix] myGraphs: basic testing of 'job finished' for first graph only (bug-42)...

[fix] myGraphs: basic testing of 'job finished' for first graph only (bug-42) TODO generalize for other graphs
parent c752bbac
......@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ class CSVLists(APIView):
# import the csv
new_lists = import_ngramlists(csv_file)
# print(new_lists) # very long
del csv_file
# merge the new_lists onto those of the target corpus
......@@ -10,8 +10,18 @@
<script src="{% static "lib/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js" %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.first-graph {
padding-top: 3em;
<script type="text/javascript">
// initial vars
var projectId = "{{ | escapejs}}"
var corpusId = "{{ | escapejs }}"
* Some html block templates to render responses after the ajax of goFirstGraph
......@@ -35,7 +45,7 @@
<a href="/projects/%%project_id%%/corpora/%%corpus_id%%/explorer?cooc_id=%%cooc_id%%&amp;distance=conditional&amp;bridgeness=5">\
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open" aria-hidden="true"></span>\
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open" style="font-size:150%"></span>\
~%%nb_nodes%% nodes,\
~%%nb_edges%% edges\
with <b>Conditional</b> distance\
......@@ -51,12 +61,12 @@
var baseSkeletonTemplate='\
<div id="graph_%%cooc_id%%">\
<div id="graph_%%cooc_id%%" class="first-graph">\
<div class="row">\
<div class="col-md-1 content"></div>\
<div class="col-md-5 content">\
<h4 title="%%cooc_id%%">%%cooc_name%%</h4>\
......@@ -99,9 +109,8 @@
* @param nEdges (optional <=> if finished_status)
function showNewCoocDiv(statusCode,
projectId, corpusId,
coocId, coocName, coocDate,
nNodes, nEdges) {
coocId, coocName, coocDate,
nbNodes, nbEdges) {
var resultHtml = baseSkeletonTemplate
// initial if
......@@ -135,9 +144,19 @@
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%nb_edges%%/g, nbEdges);
// render the result in DOM
return true
// what do we do with those results ?
switch (statusCode) {
case "progress_status":
// render the result in DOM
return null
case "finished_status":
// replace the previous results
var previousDiv = document.getElementById('graph_'+coocId)
previousDiv.innerHTML = resultHtml
return true
......@@ -152,14 +171,10 @@
var graphApi = "/api/projects/{{}}/corpora/{{ }}/explorer"
var graphParams = "saveOnly=True&distance=conditional&bridgeness=5"
// initial vars
var projectId = "{{ | escapejs}}"
var corpusId = "{{ | escapejs }}"
// vars we'll get at creation steps
var coocId = null // 1
var coocName = null // 1
var coocDate = null // 1
// vars we'll get at creation steps (1: graph init, 2: graph finish)
var coocId = null // 1 & 2
var coocName = null // 1 & 2
var coocDate = null // 1 & 2
var nbNodes = null // 2
var nbEdges = null // 2
......@@ -184,15 +199,98 @@
// 2 - show the node with basic info and progressbar
projectId, corpusId,
coocId, coocName, coocDate)
coocId, coocName, coocDate)
// 3 - run status updating
// (it will call next step of
// showNewCoocDiv when ready)
error: function(result) {
console.log("result", result)
* function keepCheckingGraphStatus(coocId)
* 1) keeps checking an API of cooc status
* 2) triggers showNewCoocDiv('finished_status') if ready
* or abandons after 5 attempts
var nChecks = 0
var currentJob = null
var graphReadyFlag = false
function keepCheckingGraphStatus(coocNodeId) {
console.log("checking status", nChecks)
nChecks ++
// var the_status_url = "/api/nodes/"+coocNodeId+"/status?format=json"
var the_url_to_check = "/api/nodes/"+coocNodeId+"?fields[]=hyperdata&fields[]=name&fields[]=date"
// we get all hyperdata instead of just statuses because
// we'll need hyperdata.conditional.nodes and edges
// remote call
type: 'GET',
url: the_url_to_check,
success: function(data) {
// TODO hyperdata would contains statuses too
// var statuses = data['hyperdata']['statuses']
var coocNodeName = data['name']
var coocNodeDate = data['date']
// test if ready like this for the moment
if (typeof data['hyperdata']['conditional'] != "undefined") {
console.log("GRAPH is READY", coocNodeId)
graphReadyFlag = true
var nbNodes = data['hyperdata']['conditional']['nodes']
var nbEdges = data['hyperdata']['conditional']['edges']
// console.warn("running callback for graph id:" + coocNodeId)
showNewCoocDiv("finished_status", coocNodeId,
coocNodeName, coocNodeDate,
nbNodes, nbEdges)
// stopping conditions
if (graphReadyFlag || nChecks > 5) {
// we abandon after 5 checks
console.warn("stopping status checks for graph:",
nChecks = 0
return null
// scheduled recursion
else {
console.log("GRAPH not ready yet...", coocNodeId)
// decreasing intervals (preserving DB while "loosing interest")
var nextTime = nChecks * 3000
// schedule next check
currentJob = setTimeout(function(){keepCheckingGraphStatus(coocNodeId)}, nextTime)
console.log("next status check in", nextTime/1000, "s" )
return false
error: function(data, s) {
console.warn("status GET: ajax err (s="+s+")")
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie("csrftoken"));
function stopCheckingGraphStatus() {
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