Commit 61f34558 authored by sim's avatar sim

Notebook: corpus_list(..., with_count=True) to get ngram occurrence count

parent 185864af
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ django.setup()
from gargantext.constants import QUERY_SIZE_N_MAX, get_resource, get_resource_by_name
from gargantext.models import (Node, ProjectNode, DocumentNode,
Ngram, NodeNgram, NodeNgramNgram)
Ngram, NodeNgram, NodeNgramNgram, NodeNodeNgram)
from gargantext.util.db import session, get_engine, func, aliased, case
from collections import Counter
import importlib
......@@ -223,7 +223,8 @@ def _ngrams(corpus_id, list_types, entities):
def corpus_list(corpus_id, list_types=ALL_LIST_TYPES, with_synonyms=True):
def corpus_list(corpus_id, list_types=ALL_LIST_TYPES, with_synonyms=False,
# Link between a GROUPLIST, a normal form (ngram1), and a synonym (ngram2)
NNN = NodeNgramNgram
......@@ -236,6 +237,9 @@ def corpus_list(corpus_id, list_types=ALL_LIST_TYPES, with_synonyms=True):
# We will retrieve each ngram as the following tuple:
entities = (list_type, Ngram.terms.label('ng'))
if with_count:
entities += ('id'),)
# First, get ngrams from wanted lists
ngrams = _ngrams(corpus_id, list_types, entities)
......@@ -252,7 +256,8 @@ def corpus_list(corpus_id, list_types=ALL_LIST_TYPES, with_synonyms=True):
# source for them
if with_synonyms:
Synonym = aliased(Ngram)
synonyms = (ngrams.with_entities(list_type, Synonym.terms.label('ng'))
ent = (list_type, Synonym.terms.label('ng'),'id'))
synonyms = (ngrams.with_entities(*ent)
......@@ -264,8 +269,15 @@ def corpus_list(corpus_id, list_types=ALL_LIST_TYPES, with_synonyms=True):
# we don't wan't that
if 'main' in list_types and 'map' not in list_types:
# Exclude MAPLIST ngrams from MAINLIST
entities = ("'main'", entities[1])
query = query.except_(_ngrams(corpus_id, 'map', entities))
if with_count:
N = query.subquery()
return (session.query(N.c.type,, NodeNodeNgram.score)
.join(Node, (Node.parent_id==corpus_id) & (Node.typename=='OCCURRENCES'))
.outerjoin(NodeNodeNgram, ( &
( &
# Return found ngrams sorted by list type, and then alphabetically
return query.order_by('type', 'ng')
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