Commit 6a943800 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

import terms table and retrieve ngram ids

parent 3f346c63
...@@ -2,12 +2,16 @@ ...@@ -2,12 +2,16 @@
Tools to work with ngramlists (MAINLIST, MAPLIST, STOPLIST) Tools to work with ngramlists (MAINLIST, MAPLIST, STOPLIST)
- query_list(list_id) to retrieve ngrams - query_list(list_id) to retrieve ngrams
- import_ngramlists(corpus_id) - export_ngramlists(corpus_id)
""" """
from gargantext.util.group_tools import query_groups, group_union from gargantext.util.group_tools import query_groups, group_union
from gargantext.util.db import session, bulk_insert, desc, func from gargantext.util.db import session, desc, func, \
from gargantext.models import Ngram, NodeNgram, NodeNodeNgram, NodeNgramNgram bulk_insert_ifnotexists
from gargantext.models import Ngram, NodeNgram, NodeNodeNgram, \
from gargantext.util.lists import UnweightedList, Translations
from sqlalchemy.sql import exists from sqlalchemy.sql import exists
from os import path from os import path
...@@ -282,3 +286,169 @@ def export_ngramlists(node,fname=None,delimiter="\t",titles=False): ...@@ -282,3 +286,169 @@ def export_ngramlists(node,fname=None,delimiter="\t",titles=False):
out_file.close() out_file.close()
print("EXPORT: wrote %i ngrams to CSV file '%s'" print("EXPORT: wrote %i ngrams to CSV file '%s'"
% (len(this_corpus_all_rows), path.abspath(fname))) % (len(this_corpus_all_rows), path.abspath(fname)))
def import_ngramlists(fname, delimiter='\t', group_delimiter='|'):
This function reads a CSV of an ngrams table for a Corpus,
then it converts old ngram_ids to those of the current DB
then recreates an equivalent set of MAINLIST, MAPLIST, STOPLIST + GROUPS
Input example:
oldid | term |nwords| ltype |group_oldids
3842 water table 2 map 3724
3724 water tables 2 map
4277 water supply 2 map 190362|13415
13415 water supplies 2 map
190362 water-supply 1 map
20489 wastewater 1 map
Output: 3 x UnweightedList + 1 x Translations
@param fname a filename
@param delimiter a character used as separator in the CSV
@param group_delimiter a character used as grouped subforms separator
(in the last column)
The conversion of old_id to ngram_id works in 2 steps:
=> look up each term str in the DB with bulk_insert_ifnotexists
(creates absent ngrams if necessary)
=> use the new ids to map the relations involving the old ones
NB: To merge the imported lists into a corpus node's lists,
chain this function with merge_ngramlists()
# --------------
# --------------
# main storage for the ngrams by list
import_nodes_ngrams = {'stop':[], 'main':[], 'map':[]}
# separate storage for the term's couples [(term str, nwords int),...]
imported_ngrams_dbdata = []
# and all the old ids, by term (for id lookup after dbdata bulk_insert)
imported_ngrams_oldids = {}
# and for the imported_grouping list of couples [(x1,y1),(x1,y2),(x2,y3),..]
imported_groupings = []
# /!\ imported_grouping contains only external ids (aka oldids)
# (ie imported ids.. that will have to be translated
# to target db ids)
fh = open(fname, "r")
ngrams_csv_rows = reader(fh,
delimiter = delimiter,
n_read_lines = 0
# load CSV + initial checks
for i, csv_row in enumerate(ngrams_csv_rows):
print("---------------READ LINE %i" % i)
this_ng_oldid = str(csv_row[0])
this_ng_term = str(csv_row[1])
this_ng_nwords = int(csv_row[2])
this_list_type = str(csv_row[3])
this_ng_group = str(csv_row[4])
if i == 0:
print("WARN: (skip line) probable header line at CSV %s:l.0" % fname)
# --- term checking
if not len(this_ng_term) > 0:
print("WARN: (skip line) empty term at CSV %s:l.%i" % (fname, i))
# --- check before any old ID retrieve
if not match("\d+$", this_ng_oldid):
print("WARN: (skip line) bad ID at CSV %s:l.%i" % (fname, i))
this_ng_oldid = int(this_ng_oldid)
# --- check correct list type
if not this_list_type in ['stop','main','map']:
print("WARN: (skip line) wrong list type at CSV %s:l.%i" % (fname, i))
# ================= Store the data ====================
# the ngram data
imported_ngrams_dbdata.append([this_ng_term, this_ng_nwords])
imported_ngrams_oldids[this_ng_term] = this_ng_oldid
# and the "list to ngram" relation
# ====== Store synonyms from the import (if any) ======
if len(this_ng_group) != 0:
group_as_external_ids = this_ng_group.split('|')
for external_subform_id in group_as_external_ids:
external_subform_id = int(external_subform_id)
# fyi
n_read_lines +=1
# end of CSV read
# ======== ngram save + id lookup =========
# returns a dict {term => id}
new_ngrams_ids = bulk_insert_ifnotexists(
model = Ngram,
uniquekey = 'terms',
fields = ('terms', 'n'),
data = imported_ngrams_dbdata
del imported_ngrams_dbdata
# loop on old ngrams and create direct mapping old_id => new_id
old_to_new_id_map = {}
for term, oldid in imported_ngrams_oldids.items():
old_to_new_id_map[oldid] = new_ngrams_ids[term]
del new_ngrams_ids
del imported_ngrams_oldids
# ======== Import into lists =========
# 3 x abstract lists
new_lists = {
'map': UnweightedList(),
'main': UnweightedList(),
'stop': UnweightedList()
for list_type in import_nodes_ngrams:
for old_id in import_nodes_ngrams[list_type]:
new_id = old_to_new_id_map[old_id]
# add to the abstract list
# ======== Synonyms =========
new_groups = Translations()
for (x,y) in imported_groupings:
new_mainform_id = old_to_new_id_map[x]
new_subform_id = old_to_new_id_map[y]
# /!\ Translations use (subform => mainform) order
new_groups.items[new_subform_id] = new_mainform_id
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
print("IMPORT: read %i lines from the CSV" % n_read_lines)
return (new_lists, new_groups)
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