Commit 70f9b505 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[HAL] adapting crawler for one language (english by default).

parent b94aefad
......@@ -29,17 +29,18 @@ class HalCrawler(Crawler):
'''formating the query'''
#return (search_field + ":" + "(" + query + ")")
return query # (search_field + ":" + "(" + query + ")")
return "(" + query + ")"
def _get(self, query, fromPage=1, count=10, lang=None):
# Parameters
fl = """ title_s
, abstract_s
fl = """ en_title_s
, en_title_s
, en_abstract_s
, submittedDate_s
, journalDate_s
, authFullName_s
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ class HalParser(Parser):
hyperdata_list = []
hyperdata_path = { "id" : "isbn_s"
, "title" : "title_s"
, "abstract" : "abstract_s"
, "title" : "en_title_s"
, "abstract" : "en_abstract_s"
, "source" : "journalTitle_s"
, "url" : "uri_s"
, "authors" : "authFullName_s"
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