Commit 72b76b0a authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

[FEAT] selected nodes in graph explorer become more highlighted in annotations/doc view

parent 71b187dd
......@@ -29,7 +29,11 @@
$rootScope.projectId = path[1];
$rootScope.corpusId = path[2];
$rootScope.docId = path[3];
$rootScope.focusNgram = path[4];
// ex: ["483", "3561", "9754", "35183"]
// (passed from graphExplorer selections)
$rootScope.focusNgrams = path[4].split(",");
// debug
// console.log("==> $rootScope <==")
......@@ -434,10 +434,10 @@
* @param $rootScope (global) to check activeLists and list names
* add-on mechanism:
* @param focusNgram: an ngram_id to higlight more
* @param focusNgrams: some ngram_ids to higlight more
* (it is assumed to be already in one of the active lists)
function compileNgramsHtml(annotations, textMapping, $rootScope, focusNgram) {
function compileNgramsHtml(annotations, textMapping, $rootScope, focusNgrams) {
if (typeof $rootScope.activeLists == "undefined") return;
if (_.keys($rootScope.activeLists).length === 0) return;
var templateBegin = "<span ng-controller='TextSelectionController' ng-click='onClick($event)' class='keyword-inline'>";
......@@ -540,8 +540,15 @@
// 2nd pass for result html
// =========================
// first pass for anchors
// ======================
// a small lookup for possible focus items (they'll get different css)
var checkFocusOn = {}
if (focusNgrams) {
for (var i in focusNgrams) {
var focusNgramId = focusNgrams[i]
checkFocusOn[focusNgramId] = true
angular.forEach(sortedSizeAnnotations, function (annotation) {
// again exclude ngrams that are into inactive lists
if ($rootScope.activeLists[annotation.list_id] === undefined) return;
......@@ -549,8 +556,9 @@
// listName now used to setup css class
var cssClass = $rootScope.lists[annotation.list_id];
// except if FOCUS
if (focusNgram && (annotation.uuid == focusNgram || == focusNgram)) {
// except if uuid or group mainform is in FOCUS items
if (focusNgrams &&
(checkFocusOn[annotation.uuid] || checkFocusOn[])) {
cssClass = "FOCUS"
......@@ -642,7 +650,7 @@
'#title': angular.copy($rootScope.title)
$rootScope.focusNgram // new: optional focus ngram
$rootScope.focusNgrams // optional focus ngrams
// inject highlighted HTML
angular.forEach(result, function(html, eltId) {
......@@ -612,9 +612,8 @@ function getTopPapers(type){
// ex url_mainIDs = {projects: 1, corpora: 2690}
// link to matching document
var getpubAPI = window.location.origin+'/projects/'+url_mainIDs["projects"]+'/corpora/'+ url_mainIDs["corpora"] + '/documents/'+pub["id"]
// link to matching document (with focus=selections_ids param)
var getpubAPI = window.location.origin+'/projects/'+url_mainIDs["projects"]+'/corpora/'+ url_mainIDs["corpora"] + '/documents/'+pub["id"]+'/focus='+theids.join(",")
var ifjournal="",ifauthors="",ifkeywords="",ifdate="",iftitle="";
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