Commit 8109bcc6 authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

Refactor install

parent b5eb0323
......@@ -3,18 +3,32 @@ Gargantext
Install Instructions for Gargantext (CNRS).
## Help needed ?
3. [RUN](##RUN)
## Support needed ?
See and tools for the community
## Create user Gargantua
## Setup
Prepare your environnement
Build your OS dependencies inside a docker
Main user of Gargantext is Gargantua (role of Pantagruel soon)!
``` bash
sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" gargantua
cd /srv/gargantext/install/docker/dev
## Create the directories you need
### Enter docker container
``` bash
### Create the directories you need
``` bash
for dir in "/srv/gargantext"
......@@ -27,29 +41,34 @@ for dir in "/srv/gargantext"
You should see:
$tree /srv
├── gargantext
├── gargantext_lib
├── gargantext_media
│   └── srv
│   └── env_3-5
└── gargantext_static
## Get the source code of Gargantext
``` bash
cp ~/.ssh/
git clone ssh:// /srv/gargantext \
&& cd /srv/gargantext \
&& git fetch origin refactoring \
&& git checkout refactoring \
### TODO (soon) : git clone
## Build your OS dependencies
2 ways, for each you need to install Debian GNU/Linux dependencies.
1) [EASY] Docker way (directory install/docker)
2) [EXPERTS] Debian way (directory install/debian)
TODO (soon) : git clone
## Build your docker image
``` bash
cd /srv/gargantext/install/docker/dev
## Install Python environment
Inside the docker image, execute as root:
......@@ -64,20 +83,17 @@ Inside the docker image, execute as root:
## Get main librairies
Can be long, so be patient :)
``` bash
wget \
&& tar xvjf gargantext_lib.tar.bz2 -o /srv/gargantext_lib \
&& sudo tar xvjf gargantext_lib.tar.bz2 --directory /srv/gargantext_lib \
&& sudo chown -R gargantua:gargantua /srv/gargantext_lib \
&& echo "Libs installed"
## Configure && Launch Gargantext
### Enter docker container
``` bash
### Inside docker container configure the database
``` bash
service postgresql start
......@@ -93,7 +109,9 @@ python /srv/gargantext/ /srv/gargantext/install/init/account.csv
FIXME: dbmigrate need to launched several times since tables are
ordered with alphabetical order (and not dependencies order)
### Inside docker container launch Gargantext
## RUN
Inside docker container launch Gargantext
``` bash
service postgresql start
su gargantua
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