Commit 8357a1dd authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[CONFIG] Postgrest, see policy :

parent 873002cd
db-uri = "postgres://gargantua:C8kdcUrAQy66U@localhost:5432/gargandb"
#db-uri = "postgres://authenticator:a@localhost:5432/gargandb"
db-schema = "public"
#db-anon-role = "gargamelle"
db-anon-role = "gargantua"
db-pool = 10
server-host = "*4"
server-port = 4000
## base url for swagger output
server-proxy-uri = "http://localhost:4000/"
## choose a secret to enable JWT auth
## (use "@filename" to load from separate file)
jwt-secret = "secret"
## limit rows in response
max-rows = 10000
## stored proc to exec immediately after auth
##pre-request = "stored_proc_name"
##pre-request = "fucntion(set role user_1;)"
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