Commit 835ef8cc authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

[FEAT] Graph explorer, not connected yet.

parent e006eca4
from gargantext.util.http import *
from gargantext.util.db import *
from gargantext.util.db_cache import cache
from gargantext.models import *
from gargantext.constants import *
from gargantext.settings import *
from datetime import datetime
def graph(request, project_id, corpus_id):
Graph explorer, also known as TinaWebJS, using SigmaJS.
Nodes are ngrams (from title or abstract or journal name.
Links represent proximity measure.
# we pass our corpus
corpus = cache.Node[corpus_id]
# we pass our user_id
#user_id = corpus.user_id
# and the project just for in corpusBannerTop
project = cache.Node[project_id]
#miamlist_type_id = cache.NodeType['MiamList'].id
graphurl = "projects/" + str(project_id) + "/corpora/" + str(corpus_id) + "/node_link.json"
# rendered page : journals.html
return render(
template_name = 'pages/graph.html',
request = request,
context = {
'debug' : settings.DEBUG,
# 'user' : user_id,
'date' :,
'project' : project,
'corpus' : corpus,
#'list_id' :,\
'graphfile' : graphurl,\
'view' : 'graph'
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