Commit 87d24fb0 authored by c24b's avatar c24b

NAMING convention for CRAWLERS

parent b5004e99
from gargantext.util.files import download
import sys
import time
import threading
from queue import Queue
from lxml import etree
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib import urlopen
class Scraper :
def __init__(self):
self.queue_size = 8
self.q = Queue()
self.firstResults = []
self.lock = threading.Lock() # lock to serialize console output
self.pubMedEutilsURL = ''
self.pubMedDB = 'Pubmed'
self.reportType = 'medline'
# Return the globalResults!:
# - count =
# - queryKey =
# - webEnv =
def medlineEsearch(self , query):
# print ("MedlineFetcher::medlineEsearch :")
"Get number of results for query 'query' in variable 'count'"
"Get also 'queryKey' and 'webEnv', which are used by function 'medlineEfetch'"
# print(query)
origQuery = query
query = query.replace(' ', '%20')
eSearch = '%s/esearch.fcgi?db=%s&retmax=1&usehistory=y&term=%s' \
% ( self.pubMedEutilsURL, self.pubMedDB, query )
eSearchResult = urlopen(eSearch)
data =
root = etree.XML(data)
findcount = etree.XPath("/eSearchResult/Count/text()")
count = findcount(root)[0]
findquerykey = etree.XPath("/eSearchResult/QueryKey/text()")
queryKey = findquerykey(root)[0]
findwebenv = etree.XPath("/eSearchResult/WebEnv/text()")
webEnv = findwebenv(root)[0]
except Exception as Error:
count = 0
queryKey = False
webEnv = False
origQuery = False
values = { "query" : origQuery
, "count" : int(count)
, "queryKey" : queryKey
, "webEnv" : webEnv
return values
# Total number of UIDs from the retrieved set to be shown in the XML output (default=20)
# maximum of 100,000 records
def medlineEfetchRAW( self , fullquery):
query = fullquery [ "string" ]
retmax = fullquery [ "retmax" ]
count = fullquery [ "count" ]
queryKey = fullquery [ "queryKey"]
webEnv = fullquery [ "webEnv" ]
"Fetch medline result for query 'query', saving results to file every 'retmax' articles"
queryNoSpace = query.replace(' ', '') # No space in directory and file names, avoids stupid errors
# print ("LOG::TIME: ",'medlineEfetchRAW :Query "' , query , '"\t:\t' , count , ' results')
retstart = 0
eFetch = '%s/efetch.fcgi?' %(self.pubMedEutilsURL, self.reportType, retstart, retmax, self.pubMedDB, queryKey, webEnv)
return eFetch
# generic!
def download(self, url):
filename = download(url)
with self.lock:
print(threading.current_thread().name, filename+" OK")
return filename
# generic!
def do_work(self,item):
# time.sleep(1) # pretend to do some lengthy work.
returnvalue = self.medlineEsearch(item)
with self.lock:
# print(threading.current_thread().name, item)
return returnvalue
# The worker thread pulls an item from the queue and processes it
def worker(self):
while True:
item = self.q.get()
def worker2(self):
while True:
item = self.q.get()
results = []
result =
except Exception as error :
result = False
def chunks(self , l , n):
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i+n]
# I will retrieve this exact amount of publications.
# The publications per year i'll retrieve per year will be :
# (k/N)*GlobalLimit
# \_ this is used as RETMAX
# - k : Number of publications of x year (according to pubmed)
# - N : Sum of every k belonging to {X} (total number of pubs according to pubmed)
# - GlobalLimit : Number of publications i want.
def serialFetcher(self , yearsNumber , query, globalLimit):
# Create the queue and thread pool.
for i in range(self.queue_size):
t = threading.Thread(target=self.worker)
t.daemon = True # thread dies when main thread (only non-daemon thread) exits.
start = time.perf_counter()
N = 0
# print ("MedlineFetcher::serialFetcher :")
thequeries = []
globalresults = []
for i in range(yearsNumber):
year = str(2015 - i)
# print ('YEAR ' + year)
# print ('---------\n')
pubmedquery = str(year) + '[dp] '+query
self.q.put( pubmedquery ) #put task in the queue
print('time:',time.perf_counter() - start)
Total = 0
Fails = 0
for globalresults in self.firstResults:
# globalresults = self.medlineEsearch(pubmedquery)
Total += 1
if globalresults["queryKey"]==False:
Fails += 1
if globalresults["count"] > 0 :
queryhyperdata = { "string" : globalresults["query"]
, "count" : globalresults["count"]
, "queryKey" : globalresults["queryKey"]
, "webEnv" : globalresults["webEnv"]
, "retmax" : 0
thequeries.append ( queryhyperdata )
print("Total Number:", N,"publications")
print("And i want just:",globalLimit,"publications")
for i,query in enumerate(thequeries):
k = query["count"]
proportion = k/float(N)
retmax_forthisyear = int(round(globalLimit*proportion))
query["retmax"] = retmax_forthisyear
if query["retmax"] == 0 : query["retmax"]+=1
if ((Fails+1)/(Total+1)) == 1 : # for identifying the epic fail or connection error
thequeries = [False]
return thequeries
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