Commit 896b8be5 authored by sim's avatar sim

[FEAT] Add corpus form: automatically select CSV type for CSV files

parent 297bb868
......@@ -440,11 +440,12 @@
// in the form "Add a corpus"
var type = $("#id_type").val()
var file = $("#id_file").val()
// 5 booleans
var nameField = $("#id_name").val() != ""
var typeField = (type != "") && (type != "0")
var fileField = $("#id_file").val() != ""
var fileField = file != ""
var wantfileField = $("#file_yes").prop("checked")
var crawling = ((type==3)||(type==8)||(type==9)) && ! wantfileField
......@@ -457,6 +458,23 @@
if (! crawling) {
$("#submit_thing").prop('disabled' , !(nameField && typeField && fileField))
// Automatically select CSV when type is undefined
// and we have a .csv file
if (!typeField && file && file.match(/.csv$/i)) {
// Get CSV type id
var csv = $('#id_type > option')
.filter(function() {
return $(this).text() === 'CSV'
// Select CSV type
// Focus on name field
setTimeout(function() {
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