Commit 898b5078 authored by c24b's avatar c24b

docs +1

parent d61e6d71
#Contribution guide
## Community
* [](
* IRC Chat: (OFTC/FreeNode) #gargantex
* gogs
* server access
* gargantext box
* Gargantex box install
(S.I.R.= Setup Install & Run procedures)
* Architecture Overview
* Database Schema Overview
* Interface design Overview
##To do:
* Docs
* Interface deisgn
* Parsers/scrapers
* Computing
## How to contribute:
1. Clone the repo
2. Create a new branch <username>-refactoring
3. Run the gargantext-box
4. Code
6. Commit
### Exemple1: Adding a parser
* create your new file into gargantex/scrapers/
* reference into gargantex/scrapers/
add this line:
import as cern
* reference into gargantext/constants
# type 9
{ 'name': 'Cern',
'parser': CernParser,
'default_language': 'en',
* add an APIKEY in gargantex/settings
### Exemple2: User Interface Design
* Referencer ses pages dans mkdocs.yml
* Ecrire chaque fichier en markdown (github flavor)
* Générer la doc > génére un dossier site
* [RTFM](!
#User guide
1. Login
run the gargantex box following the install procedure
open a webrwoser at
click on Test Gargantext
login with:
Login : gargantua
Password : autnagrag
2. Create a project
3. Import an existing corpus
4. create corpus
5. Explore
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