Commit 8cc2c5d3 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

last fix for graph

parent cf1dd3a9
......@@ -2367,7 +2367,9 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , filtersParams, callerLabel) {
// restore chart filters
if (typeof(filtersParams.from) != 'undefined'
&& typeof( != 'undefined') {
&& typeof( != 'undefined'
&& ! (filtersParams.from == null)
&& ! ( == null)) {
var fromVal = filtersParams.from
var toVal =
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
var finishedHtmlTemplate='\
var finishedHtmlCondi='\
From: begin of corpus\
, To: end of corpus\
......@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@
<a href="/projects/%%project_id%%/corpora/%%corpus_id%%/explorer?cooc_id=%%cooc_id%%&amp;distance=conditional&amp;bridgeness=5">\
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open" style="font-size:150%"></span>\
~%%nb_nodes%% nodes,\
~%%nb_edges%% edges\
~%%co_nb_nodes%% nodes,\
~%%co_nb_edges%% edges\
with <b>Conditional</b> distance\
......@@ -236,6 +236,54 @@
var finishedHtmlDistri='\
From: begin of corpus\
, To: end of corpus\
<ul id="graph_%%cooc_id%%_finished">\
<a href="/projects/%%project_id%%/corpora/%%corpus_id%%/explorer?cooc_id=%%cooc_id%%&amp;distance=conditional&amp;bridgeness=5">\
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open" aria-hidden="true"></span>\
Compute this graph with Conditional distance\
<a href="/projects/%%project_id%%/corpora/%%corpus_id%%/explorer?cooc_id=%%cooc_id%%&amp;distance=conditional&amp;bridgeness=5">\
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open" style="font-size:150%"></span>\
~%%di_nb_nodes%% nodes,\
~%%di_nb_edges%% edges\
with <b>Distributional</b> distance\
var finishedHtmlTemplate='\
From: begin of corpus\
, To: end of corpus\
<ul id="graph_%%cooc_id%%_finished">\
<a href="/projects/%%project_id%%/corpora/%%corpus_id%%/explorer?cooc_id=%%cooc_id%%&amp;distance=conditional&amp;bridgeness=5">\
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open" style="font-size:150%"></span>\
~%%co_nb_nodes%% nodes,\
~%%co_nb_edges%% edges\
with <b>Conditional</b> distance\
<a href="/projects/%%project_id%%/corpora/%%corpus_id%%/explorer?cooc_id=%%cooc_id%%&amp;distance=distributional&amp;bridgeness=5">\
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open" style="font-size:150%"></span>\
~%%di_nb_nodes%% nodes,\
~%%di_nb_edges%% edges\
with <b>Distributional</b> distance\
var baseSkeletonTemplate='\
<div id="graph_%%cooc_id%%" class="graph-elt first-graph">\
<div class="row">\
......@@ -295,12 +343,15 @@
* @param coocId
* @param coocName
* @param coocDate
* @param nNodes (optional <=> if finished_status)
* @param nEdges (optional <=> if finished_status)
* @param coNbNodes (optional <=> if finished_status on conditional)
* @param coNbEdges (optional <=> if finished_status on conditional)
* @param diNbNodes (optional <=> if finished_status on distributional)
* @param diNbEdges (optional <=> if finished_status on distributional)
function showNewCoocDiv(statusCode,
coocId, coocName, coocDate,
nbNodes, nbEdges) {
coNbNodes, coNbEdges,
diNbNodes, diNbEdges) {
var resultHtml = baseSkeletonTemplate
// initial if
......@@ -312,9 +363,22 @@
case "finished_status":
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%HERE_RESPONSE_DEPENDANT%%/,
if ((typeof coNbNodes != 'undefined') && coNbNodes
&& (typeof diNbNodes != 'undefined') && diNbNodes) {
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%HERE_RESPONSE_DEPENDANT%%/,
} else if ((typeof coNbNodes != 'undefined') && ! (coNbNodes == null)) {
console.log("condi case", coNbNodes)
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%HERE_RESPONSE_DEPENDANT%%/,
} else if ((typeof diNbNodes != 'undefined') && ! (diNbNodes == null)) {
console.log("distri case")
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%HERE_RESPONSE_DEPENDANT%%/,
......@@ -330,9 +394,13 @@
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%cooc_name%%/g, coocName);
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%cooc_date%%/g, formatDateLikeDjango(coocDate));
if (typeof nbEdges != 'undefined' && typeof nbNodes != 'undefined') {
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%nb_nodes%%/g, nbNodes);
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%nb_edges%%/g, nbEdges);
if (typeof coNbEdges != 'undefined' && typeof coNbNodes != 'undefined') {
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%co_nb_nodes%%/g, coNbNodes);
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%co_nb_edges%%/g, coNbEdges);
if (typeof diNbEdges != 'undefined' && typeof diNbNodes != 'undefined') {
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%di_nb_nodes%%/g, diNbNodes);
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%di_nb_edges%%/g, diNbEdges);
// what do we do with those results ?
......@@ -366,8 +434,8 @@
var coocId = null // 1 & 2
var coocName = null // 1 & 2
var coocDate = null // 1 & 2
var nbNodes = null // 2
var nbEdges = null // 2
var coNbNodes = null // 2
var coNbEdges = null // 2
// run the "save new graph" ajax
// -----------------------------
......@@ -439,17 +507,45 @@
var coocNodeDate = data['date']
// test if ready like this for the moment
if (typeof data['hyperdata']['conditional'] != "undefined") {
if ((typeof data['hyperdata']['conditional'] != "undefined")
&& (typeof data['hyperdata']['distributional'] != "undefined")){
console.log("GRAPH is READY", coocNodeId)
graphReadyFlag = true
var nbNodes = data['hyperdata']['conditional']['nodes']
var nbEdges = data['hyperdata']['conditional']['edges']
var coNbNodes = data['hyperdata']['conditional']['nodes']
var coNbEdges = data['hyperdata']['conditional']['edges']
var diNbNodes = data['hyperdata']['distributional']['nodes']
var diNbEdges = data['hyperdata']['distributional']['edges']
// console.warn("running callback for graph id:" + coocNodeId)
showNewCoocDiv("finished_status", coocNodeId,
coocNodeName, coocNodeDate,
nbNodes, nbEdges)
coNbNodes, coNbEdges,
diNbNodes, diNbEdges)
} else if (typeof data['hyperdata']['conditional'] != "undefined"){
console.log("conditional GRAPH is READY", coocNodeId)
graphReadyFlag = true
var coNbNodes = data['hyperdata']['conditional']['nodes']
var coNbEdges = data['hyperdata']['conditional']['edges']
// console.warn("running callback for graph id:" + coocNodeId)
showNewCoocDiv("finished_status", coocNodeId,
coocNodeName, coocNodeDate,
coNbNodes, coNbEdges,
null, null)
} else if (typeof data['hyperdata']['distributional'] != "undefined"){
console.log("distributional GRAPH is READY", coocNodeId)
graphReadyFlag = true
var diNbNodes = data['hyperdata']['distributional']['nodes']
var diNbEdges = data['hyperdata']['distributional']['edges']
// console.warn("running callback for graph id:" + coocNodeId)
showNewCoocDiv("finished_status", coocNodeId,
coocNodeName, coocNodeDate,
null, null,
diNbNodes, diNbEdges)
// stopping conditions
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