Commit 8e2527a2 authored by c24b's avatar c24b

Proposition de deux boutons d'aide

parent e151a243
......@@ -313,6 +313,90 @@ help = { "#project":{
// "placement": "top",
// "position": "inside",
// },
"title":"Graph Edition and Manipulation Toolbar",
"content":"Manipulate and edit your graph using this toolbar"+
"<li>Node sizes maps (on a log scale) the number of documents that"+
"mention its label and its associated terms (if any ).</li>"+
"<li>When according to the chosen proximity measure, the proximity"+
"between two terms is strong enough, a link is displayed.</li>"+
"<li>You can filter links by strength using the 'edges filter' slider"+
"(this will fold/unfold the graph):"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_edges.png'/>"+
"<li>You can decide to remove small nodes or large nodes using the"+
"'nodes filter' slider (e.g. to get only the most popular"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_nodes.png'/>"+
"<li>To change size of label (proportionnal to their strenght) use the 'label size slider':</li> "+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_label.png'/>"+
"<li>Change cluster coloration using <label>'Colors'</label> button choosing in the options"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_color.png'/>"+
"<li>Change size of the nodes using <label>'Sizes'</label> button choosing in the options"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_size.png'/>"+
"title":"Outil d'édition et de manipulation du graph",
"content":"Manipuler and éditer le graph grace à cette barre d'outil"+
"<li>Node sizes maps (on a log scale) the number of documents that"+
"mention its label and its associated terms (if any ).</li>"+
"<li>When according to the chosen proximity measure, the proximity"+
"between two terms is strong enough, a link is displayed.</li>"+
"<li>You can filter links by strength using the 'edges filter' slider"+
"(this will fold/unfold the graph):"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_edges.png'/>"+
"<li>You can decide to remove small nodes or large nodes using the"+
"'nodes filter' slider (e.g. to get only the most popular"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_nodes.png'/>"+
"<li>To change size of label (proportionnal to their strenght) use the 'label size slider':</li> "+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_label.png'/>"+
"<li>Change cluster coloration using <label>'Colors'</label> button choosing in the options"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_color.png'/>"+
"<li>Change size of the nodes using <label>'Sizes'</label> button choosing in the options"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_size.png'/>"+
"placement": "right",
"position": "inside",
"title":"Graph Exploration Toolbar",
"content":"<div>Explore your graph using this navigation bar"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='lensButton'></a>"+
"<li>To center the graph, click on the center button. </li>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='edgesButton'></a>"+
"<li>To calculate proximity measure and show the edges click on the button</li>"+
"<li>You can explore the graph using the slider and the macro/mesolevel button."+
"<div class='inline'><a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomPlusButton'></a>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomMinusButton'></a></div>"+
"title":"Outils d'exploration du Graphe",
"content":"<div>Explorer le graph en utilisant cette barre d'outils"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='lensButton'></a>"+
"<li>To center the graph, click on the center button. </li>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='edgesButton'></a>"+
"<li>To calculate proximity measure and show the edges click on the button</li>"+
"<li>You can explore the graph using the slider and the macro/mesolevel button."+
"<div class='inline'><a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomPlusButton'></a>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomMinusButton'></a></div>"+
"placement": "right",
"position": "inside",
......@@ -386,7 +470,7 @@ function loadHelp(lang){
info = help[div_id]
help_btn = '<img src="/static/img/question-mark.png" width="20px" height="20px" class="help-btn" data-html="true" tab-index=0 data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="'+info[lang]["placement"]+'" title="'+info[lang]["title"]+'" data-content="'+info[lang]["content"]+'"></i>'
help_btn = '<img src="/static/img/question-mark.png" width="20px" height="20px" class="help-btn" data-html="true" tab-index=0 data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="'+info["placement"]+'" title="'+info[lang]["title"]+'" data-content="'+info[lang]["content"]+'"></i>'
if (info["position"] == "inside"){
......@@ -1007,27 +1007,33 @@ function getTips(){
"<center><b>Graph Explorer</b></center>"+
"<ul><b>Basic Interactions:</b>"+
"<li>With the <b>mouse selector</b>, click on a node to select/unselect and get its contextual information. Associated terms, neighbours and the first 5 documents will appears in this window.</li>"+
"<li>In case of node selection(simple or multiple), the button <button class='delete'>Delete</button> clears all the active selections.</li>"+
"<li>In case of node selection(simple or multiple), the button <button class='delete'>Delete</button> remove selected terms from map list.</li>"+
"<!--<li>You can search a specific term in the search bar: <div id='search_input_group' class='input-group input-group-sm'><span class='input-group-btn'><button id='searchbutton' title='Search the topic in the map' class='btn btn-info' type='button'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-search'></span></button></span><input id='searchinput' type='text' class='form-control' placeholder='Search' /></li>-->"+
"<ul><b>Graph manipulation:</b>"+
"<li>Link and node sizes indicate their strength.</li>"+
"<li>To fold/unfold the graph (keep only strong links or weak links), use the 'edges filter' slider:</li> <img src='/static/img/slider_edges.png'/>"+
"<li>To select a more of less specific area of the graph, use the 'nodes filter' slider :</li><img src='/static/img/slider_nodes.png'/>"+
"<li>To change size of label (proportionnal to their strenght) use the 'label size slider':</li> <img src='/static/img/slider_label.png'/>"+
"<li>Change cluster coloration using a different algorithm in the options <ul><li class='dropdown'><a href='#' class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown'> <img title='Set Colors' src='/static/img/colors.png' width='22px'><b class='caret'></b></a> <ul class='dropdown-menu'><li><a href='#' onclick='colorsBy(&quot;clust_default&quot; , &quot;color&quot;)'>By default</a></li><li><a href='#' onclick='clustersBy(&quot;degree&quot; , &quot;color&quot;)'>By degree</a></li><li><a href='#' onclick='colorsBy(&quot;clust_louvain&quot; , &quot;color&quot;)'>By community (louvain)</a></li> </ul> </li></ul> "+
"<li>Change size of cluster using the options <ul id='sizeGraph'><li class='dropdown'><a href='#' class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown'> <img title='Set Sizes' src='/static/img/NodeSize.png' width='18px'><b class='caret'></b></a> <ul class='dropdown-menu'><li><a href='#' onclick='clustersBy(&quot;degree&quot; , &quot;size&quot;)'>By degree</a></li><li><a href='#' onclick='clustersBy(&quot;default&quot; , &quot;size&quot;)'>By default</a></li> </ul> </li></ul>"+
"<li>Node sizes maps (on a log scale) the number of documents that"+
"mention its label and its associated terms (if any ).<br>"+
"When according to the chosen proximity measure, the proximity"+
"between two terms is strong enough, a link is displayed.</li>"+
"<li>You can filter links by strength using the 'edges filter' slider"+
"(this will fold/unfold the graph):"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_edges.png'/>"+
"<li>You can decide to remove small nodes or large nodes using the"+
"'nodes filter' slider (e.g. to get only the most popular"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_nodes.png'/>"+
"<li>To change size of label (proportionnal to their strenght) use the 'label size slider':</li> "+
"<li>Change cluster coloration using <label>'Colors'</label> button choosing in the options"+
"<li>Change size of the nodes using <label>'Sizes'</label> button choosing in the options"+
"<ul><b>Micro/Macro view:</b>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='lensButton'></a>"+
"<li>To center the graph, click on the center button. </li>"+
"<li>To explore the neighborhood of a selection, double click on the selected nodes</li>"+
"<li>You can explore the graph using the slider and the macro/mesolevel button.</li>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomPlusButton'></a>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomMinusButton'></a>"+
"<li>Recalculate the clusters of your graph using the edge button</li>"
"<a style='float:right;' href='#' id='edgesButton'></a>"+
"<li>You can explore the graph using the slider and the macro/mesolevel button."+
"<div class='inline'><a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomPlusButton'></a>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomMinusButton'></a></div>"+
......@@ -122,7 +122,8 @@
<li class="basicitem"><a class="help" id="edition">
</div><!-- /div#left -->
......@@ -249,6 +250,10 @@
<img width="30px" title="Save As..." src="{% static "img/save.png" %}" ></img>
<a id="exploration" class="help">
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