Commit 91ee0a0f authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

comments for

parent 30161f63
# WARNING: to ensure consistency and retrocompatibility, lists should keep the
# initial order (ie., new elements should be appended at the end of the lists)
something between global params, constants,
configuration variables, ini file...
+ db constants/ontology
- nodetypes
(db int <=> named types <=> python code)
+ input low-level limits
- query size
- max upload size
- doc parsing batch size
- word extraction batch size
+ process config
- resourcetypes config (~ input ontology)
- wordlist generation params
- graph creation params
- £TODO sequence of transformations "custom pipeline"
+ input process subclasses/subroutines
- crawling, import
- tagger services and functions
- parser services
- stemmer services
import os
import re
import importlib
from gargantext.util.lists import *
from import datetime, convert_to_date
import re
from .settings import BASE_DIR
# types & models (nodes, lists, hyperdata, resource) ---------------------------------------------
......@@ -330,8 +366,6 @@ DEFAULT_CSV_DELIM_GROUP = '|&|'
# Files ----------------------------------------------------------------
import os
from .settings import BASE_DIR
# uploads/.gitignore prevents corpora indexing
# copora can be either a folder or symlink towards specific partition
UPLOAD_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'uploads/corpora')
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