Commit a5cb7fb8 authored by sim's avatar sim

Basis of a cleaner way to deploy Gargantext

parent 56c39078
......@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
## TL;DR
You need `pipenv` and an up-to-date version of `pip`. To install and run:
You need `pipenv` and an up-to-date version of `pip`. To setup development
environment and run test server:
$ pipenv install
$ make dev
$ pipenv run ./manage runserver
......@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ If you use `pipenv shell`, don't forget to leave the virtualenv (`exit` or
To bootstrap Gargantext environment just cd into your local Gargantext repo and
$ pipenv install
$ make dev
If everything is going well, you now have a clean virtualenv with every
packages you need to run Gargantext. Here is how to get the path of the
dev: env
@echo "• Installing dependencies..."
pipenv install --dev
prod: env
@echo "• Installing dependencies..."
pipenv install
@echo "• Setup django settings module..."
echo "# Automatically generated file, local changes may be overwritten" > .env
echo "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=gargantext.settings" >> .env
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