Commit a62c5d54 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

locale aware doc titles sort adapted to 2 ways sort

parent 3634567c
......@@ -546,10 +546,11 @@ function Main_test(Data) {'dynatable').settings.dataset.queries['docFilter'] = 'filter_all''dynatable').sorts.functions["rawtitleSort"] = function testSort (rec1,rec2) {'dynatable').sorts.functions["rawtitleSort"] = function rawtitleSort (rec1,rec2, attr, direction) {
// sorts on rawtitle instead of derived docurl
// and sorts with locale-aware order
return rec1.rawtitle.localeCompare(rec2.rawtitle)
if (direction == 1) return rec1.rawtitle.localeCompare(rec2.rawtitle)
else return rec2.rawtitle.localeCompare(rec1.rawtitle)
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