Commit b6263a33 authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/romain-refactoring' into refactoring

parents 0362e268 d6ab7572
......@@ -297,6 +297,85 @@ class ListChange(APIView):
return(base_list, change_list)
class MapListGlance(APIView):
Fast infos about the maplist only
REST Parameters:
the maplist to retrieve
alternatively, the corpus to which the maplist belongs
def get(self, request):
parameters = get_parameters(request)
maplist_id = None
scores_id = None
if "corpus" in parameters:
corpus_id = parameters['corpus']
corpus = cache.Node[corpus_id]
maplist_id = corpus.children('MAPLIST').first().id
# with a corpus_id, the explicit scoring pointer is optional
if "scoring" in parameters:
scores_id = parameters['scoring']
scores_id = corpus.children('OCCURRENCES').first().id
elif "maplist" in parameters and "scoring" in parameters:
maplist_id = int(parameters['mainlist'])
scores_id = int(parameters['scoring'])
raise ValidationException("A 'corpus' id or 'maplist' id is required, and a 'scoring' for occurences counts")
ngraminfo = {} # ngram details sorted per ngram id
listmembers = {'maplist':[]} # ngram ids sorted per list name
# infos for all ngrams from maplist
map_ngrams = _query_list(maplist_id, details=True,
scoring_metric_id= scores_id).all()
# ex: [(8805, 'mean age', 4.0),
# (1632, 'activity', 4.0),
# (8423, 'present', 2.0),
# (2928, 'objective', 2.0)]
# shortcut to useful function during loop
add_to_members = listmembers['maplist'].append
for ng in map_ngrams:
ng_id = ng[0]
ngraminfo[ng_id] = ng[1:]
# maplist ngrams will already be <=> ngraminfos
# but the client side expects a membership lookup
# as when there are multiple lists or some groupings
return JsonHttpResponse({
'ngraminfos' : ngraminfo,
'listmembers' : listmembers,
'links' : {}, # no grouping links sent during glance (for speed)
'nodeids' : {
'mainlist': None,
'maplist' : maplist_id,
'stoplist': None,
'groups': None,
'scores': None,
class ListFamily(APIView):
Compact combination of *multiple* list info
......@@ -320,7 +399,7 @@ class ListFamily(APIView):
REST Parameters:
use pagination to only load the k top ngrams of the mainlist
(useful for fast loading of terms view)
(useful for fast loading of terms view) [CURRENTLY NOT USED]
the corpus id to retrieve all 4 lists
......@@ -21,10 +21,13 @@ urlpatterns = [ url(r'^nodes$' , nodes.NodeListResource.as_view()
# post data looks like : {"767":[209,640],"779":[436,265,385]}"
, url(r'^ngramlists/family$' , ngramlists.ListFamily.as_view())
# entire combination of lists from a corpus
# entire combination of lists from a corpus, dedicated to termtable
# (or any combination of lists that go together :
# - a mainlist
# - an optional stoplist
# - an optional maplist
# - an optional grouplist
, url(r'^ngramlists/maplist$' , ngramlists.MapListGlance.as_view())
# fast access to maplist, similarly formatted for termtable
......@@ -1756,6 +1756,10 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( data , initial , search_filter) {
// and set this filter's initial status to 'maplist' (aka state == 1)'dynatable').settings.dataset.queries['my_state_filter'] = 1 ;'dynatable').process();
// moves pagination over table
if ( $(".imadiv").length>0 ) return 1;
$('<br><br><div class="imadiv"></div>').insertAfter(".dynatable-per-page")
......@@ -1897,9 +1901,18 @@ $("#corpusdisplayer").hide()
// NEW AJAX x 2
var prefetch_url = window.location.origin+"/api/ngramlists/maplist?corpus="+corpus_id ;
var new_url = window.location.origin+"/api/ngramlists/family?corpus="+corpus_id ;
GET_(new_url, function(res) {
// faster call: just the maplist, will return first
GET_(prefetch_url, HandleAjax);
// longer call (full list of terms) to return when ready and refresh all data
GET_(new_url, HandleAjax)
function HandleAjax(res) {
if (res && res.ngraminfos) {
main_ngrams_objects = {}
......@@ -1955,8 +1968,7 @@ GET_(new_url, function(res) {
AfterAjax() ;
function AfterAjax() {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -67,10 +67,11 @@
<div class="pull-left" style="margin-top:1.85em;">
<select id="picklistmenu" name="my_state_filter">
<option value='reset' selected="selected" >All terms</option>
<option value='0'>Mainlist only</option>
<option value='1'>Maplist only</option>
<option value='2'>Stoplist only</option>
<option value='reset'>All terms</option>
<option value='0'>Candidates only</option>
<!-- <option value='1' selected="selected">Map terms only</option> -->
<option value='1'>Map terms only</option>
<option value='2'>New stopwords only</option>
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