Commit b7a9fdbc authored by sim's avatar sim

Clean code and better debugging output

parent 3db7968b
......@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ Tools to work with ngramlists (MAINLIST, MAPLIST, STOPLIST)
from gargantext.util.group_tools import query_groups, group_union
from gargantext.util.db import session, desc, func, \
from gargantext.util.db import session, bulk_insert_ifnotexists
from gargantext.models import Ngram, NodeNgram, NodeNodeNgram, \
NodeNgramNgram, Node
......@@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ from gargantext.util.toolchain.ngrams_extraction import normalize_forms
# merge will also index the new ngrams in the docs of the corpus
from gargantext.util.toolchain.ngrams_addition import index_new_ngrams
from sqlalchemy.sql import exists
from os import path
from csv import writer, reader, QUOTE_MINIMAL
from collections import defaultdict
......@@ -179,9 +177,7 @@ def ngrams_to_csv_rows(ngram_objs, ngram_dico={}, group_infos={},
# 3 columns = |status, | mainform, | forms
# (type_of_list) ( term ) ( subterm1|&|subterm2 )
csv_rows.append([list_type, ng_obj.terms, this_grouped_terms])
return csv_rows
......@@ -391,6 +387,9 @@ def import_ngramlists(the_file, delimiter=DEFAULT_CSV_DELIM,
NB: To merge the imported lists into a corpus node's lists,
chain this function with merge_ngramlists()
list_types = ['stop','main','map']
# ---------------
# ngram storage
# ---------------
......@@ -455,7 +454,6 @@ def import_ngramlists(the_file, delimiter=DEFAULT_CSV_DELIM,
# headers
if i == 0:
n_cols = len(csv_row)
for j, colname in enumerate(csv_row):
if colname in ['label', 'status', 'forms']:
columns[colname] = j
......@@ -502,31 +500,30 @@ def import_ngramlists(the_file, delimiter=DEFAULT_CSV_DELIM,
# --- check correct list type
if not this_list_type in ['stop','main','map']:
if not this_list_type in list_types:
print("IMPORT WARN: (skip line) wrong list type at CSV %s:l.%i" % (fname, i))
# subforms can be duplicated (in forms and another label)
# but we must take care of unwanted other duplicates too
if this_row_label in imported_unique_ngramstrs:
print("TODO IMPORT DUPL: (skip line) term appears more than once at CSV %s:l.%i"
% (fname, i))
if imported_unique_ngramstrs.get(this_row_label) == 1:
print("TODO IMPORT DUPL: (skip line) term %r appears more than once at CSV %s:l.%i"
% (this_row_label, fname, i))
# ================= Store the data ====================
# the ngram census
imported_unique_ngramstrs[this_row_label] = True
imported_unique_ngramstrs[this_row_label] = 1
# and the "list to ngram" relation
# ====== Store synonyms from the import (if any) ======
if len(this_row_forms) != 0:
other_terms = []
for raw_term_str in this_row_forms.split(group_delimiter):
# each subform is also like an ngram declaration
term_str = normalize_forms(normalize_chars(raw_term_str))
imported_unique_ngramstrs[term_str] = True
imported_unique_ngramstrs[term_str] = 2
# the optional repeated mainform doesn't interest us
......@@ -604,7 +601,10 @@ def import_ngramlists(the_file, delimiter=DEFAULT_CSV_DELIM,
% (n_total_ng, n_added_ng, n_total_ng-n_added_ng) )
print("IMPORT: read %i grouping relations" % n_group_relations)
# print("IMPORT RESULT", result)
list_counts = [(typ, len(result.get(typ))) for typ in list_types]
list_counts.append(('total', sum(x[1] for x in list_counts)))
print("IMPORT: " + '; '.join('%s %s' % stats for stats in list_counts))
return result
def merge_ngramlists(new_lists={}, onto_corpus=None, del_originals=[]):
......@@ -712,9 +712,11 @@ def merge_ngramlists(new_lists={}, onto_corpus=None, del_originals=[]):
# ======== Merging all involved ngrams =========
# all memberships with resolved conflicts of interfering memberships
# all ngram memberships with resolved conflicts of interfering memberships
# (associates ngram ids with list types -- see linfos definition above)
resolved_memberships = {}
# iterates over each ngram of each list type for both old and new lists
for list_set in [old_lists, new_lists]:
for lid, info in enumerate(linfos):
list_type = info['key']
......@@ -744,11 +746,11 @@ def merge_ngramlists(new_lists={}, onto_corpus=None, del_originals=[]):
# ======== Merging old and new groups =========
# get the arcs already in the target DB (directed couples)
previous_links = session.query(
NodeNgramNgram.node_id == old_group_id
NodeNgramNgram.node_id == old_group_id
n_links_previous = len(previous_links)
......@@ -816,7 +818,7 @@ def merge_ngramlists(new_lists={}, onto_corpus=None, del_originals=[]):
list_type = linfos[lid]['key']
# print("IMPORT: added %i elements in the lists indices" % added_nd_ng)
print("IMPORT: added %i elements in the lists indices" % added_nd_ng)
# ======== Overwrite old data with new =========
for lid, info in enumerate(linfos):
......@@ -839,10 +841,14 @@ def import_and_merge_ngramlists(file_contents, onto_corpus_id, overwrite=False):
A single function to run import_ngramlists and merge_ngramlists together
print("import list")
print("IMPORT CSV termlists file with %s lines in corpus %s (%s)" % (
onto_corpus_id, 'overwrite' if overwrite else 'merge'))
new_lists = import_ngramlists(file_contents)
corpus_node = session.query(Node).filter( == onto_corpus_id).first()
corpus_node = session.query(Node).get(onto_corpus_id)
# merge the new_lists onto those of the target corpus
del_originals = ['stop', 'main', 'map'] if overwrite else []
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