Commit be116069 authored by sim's avatar sim

[REFACT] Rewrite CSV processing in a more efficient and pythonic way

parent 1e86d380
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import sys
import csv
import numpy as np
import os
class CSVParser(Parser):
......@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ class CSVParser(Parser):
sample_size = 10
sample_contents = contents[0:sample_size]
hyperdata_list = []
delimiters = ", \t;|:"
# Compute frequency of each delimiter on each input line
delimiters_freqs = {
d: [line.count(d) for line in sample_contents]
......@@ -45,63 +47,29 @@ class CSVParser(Parser):
raise ValueError("CSV: couldn't detect delimiter, bug or malformed data")
print("CSV selected delimiter:", best_delimiter)
print("CSV: selected delimiter: %r" % delimiter)
# # = = = = [ First data coordinate ] = = = = #
Coords = {
"row": -1,
"column": -1
reader = csv.reader(contents, delimiter=best_delimiter)
for rownum, tokens in enumerate(reader):
if rownum % 250 == 0:
print("CSV row: ", rownum)
joined_tokens = "".join (tokens)
if Coords["row"]<0 and len( joined_tokens )>0 :
Coords["row"] = rownum
for columnum in range(len(tokens)):
t = tokens[columnum]
if len(t)>0:
Coords["column"] = columnum
# # = = = = [ / First data coordinate ] = = = = #
# Get first not empty row and its fields (ie. header row), or (0, [])
first_row, headers = \
next(((i, fields) for i, fields in enumerate(reader) if any(fields)),
(0, []))
# Get first not empty column of the first row, or 0
first_col = next((i for i, field in enumerate(headers) if field), 0)
# Strip out potential empty fields in headers
headers = headers[first_col:]
# # = = = = [ Setting Headers ] = = = = #
Headers_Int2Str = {}
reader = csv.reader(contents, delimiter=best_delimiter)
for rownum, tokens in enumerate(reader):
if rownum>=Coords["row"]:
for columnum in range( Coords["column"],len(tokens) ):
t = tokens[columnum]
Headers_Int2Str[columnum] = t
# print("Headers_Int2Str")
# print(Headers_Int2Str)
# # = = = = [ / Setting Headers ] = = = = #
# # OUTPUT example:
# # Headers_Int2Str = {
# # 0: 'publication_date',
# # 1: 'publication_month',
# # 2: 'publication_second',
# # 3: 'abstract'
# # }
# # = = = = [ Reading the whole CSV and saving ] = = = = #
hyperdata_list = []
reader = csv.reader(contents, delimiter=best_delimiter)
for rownum, tokens in enumerate(reader):
if rownum>Coords["row"]:
RecordDict = {}
for columnum in range( Coords["column"],len(tokens) ):
data = tokens[columnum]
RecordDict[ Headers_Int2Str[columnum] ] = data
if len(RecordDict.keys())>0:
hyperdata_list.append( RecordDict )
# # = = = = [ / Reading the whole CSV and saving ] = = = = #
return hyperdata_list
# Return a generator of dictionaries with column labels as keys,
# filtering out empty rows
for i, fields in enumerate(reader):
if i % 500 == 0:
print("CSV: parsing row #%s..." % (i+1))
if any(fields):
yield dict(zip(headers, fields[first_col:]))
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