Commit c3f449a6 authored by sim's avatar sim

Gargantext setup: migrate database to latest version

parent 4529ff6e
.PHONY: gargantext env conf
.PHONY: gargantext venv envs migrate conf
ifeq ($(TARGET), "prod")
......@@ -12,17 +12,25 @@ VENV=$(shell pipenv --venv)
PYTHON=$(shell pipenv --py)
PY_VERSION=$(shell $(PYTHON) -c 'import sys; v=sys.version_info; print("{0}.{1}".format(*v))')
gargantext: conf env
@echo "• Installing dependencies..."
gargantext: venv migrate conf
venv: envs
@echo "• Setup virtualenv with all dependencies..."
pipenv install $(PIPENV_ARGS)
@# Put current directory in python path to be able to import gargantext
@# from scripts in sub-directories (eg. alembic revisions)
@pwd > $(VENV)/lib/python$(PY_VERSION)/site-packages/gargantext.pth
@echo "• Setup django settings module and configuration path..."
@echo "• Migrate database to latest version..."
pipenv run ./ migrate
pipenv run alembic upgrade head
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