Commit d1d90a91 authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

[FIX Code of Conduct] Meaning of a word depends on its context.

parent b1bb1a0a
......@@ -389,7 +389,6 @@
// also replace template variables (thx c24b!)
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%project_id%%/g, projectId);
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%corpus_id%%/g, corpusId);
resultHtml = resultHtml.replace(/%%cooc_id%%/g, coocId);
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ function toggleFormatInfos() {
/* merci c24b !
* Uses importroute variable from the django template
* Ex: /api/ngramlists/import?onto_corpus=corpus_id
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