Commit d577eea9 authored by c24b's avatar c24b

Mkdocs: install mkdocs throught pip\npip install mkdocs\n build the static...

Mkdocs: install mkdocs throught pip\npip install mkdocs\n build the static site\n mkdocs build --clean \n see the initial version\nmkdocs serve\n TO DO: better pagination
parent c594e927
Be more careful about authorizations.
cf. "ng-resource".
# Projects
## Overview of all projects
- re-implement deletion
## Single project view
- re-implement deletion
# Taggers
Path for data used by taggers should be defined in `gargantext.constants`.
# Database
# Sharing
Here follows a brief description of how sharing could be implemented.
## Database representation
The database representation of sharing can be distributed among 4 tables:
- `persons`, of which items represent either a user or a group
- `relationships` describes the relationships between persons (affiliation
of a user to a group, contact between two users, etc.)
- `nodes` contains the projects, corpora, documents, etc. to share (they shall
inherit the sharing properties from their parents)
- `permissions` stores the relations existing between the three previously
described above: it only consists of 2 foreign keys, plus an integer
between 1 and 3 representing the level of sharing and the start date
(when the sharing has been set) and the end date (when necessary, the time
at which sharing has been removed, `NULL` otherwise)
## Python code
The permission levels should be set in `gargantext.constants`, and defined as:
PERMISSION_NONE = 0 # 0b0000
PERMISSION_READ = 1 # 0b0001
The requests to check for permissions (or add new ones) should not be rewritten
every time. They should be "hidden" within the models:
- `Person.owns(node)` returns a boolean
- `Person.can_read(node)` returns a boolean
- `Person.can_write(node)` returns a boolean
- `Person.give_right(node, permission)` gives a right to a given user
- `Person.remove_right(node, permission)` removes a right from a given user
- `Person.get_nodes(permission[, type])` returns an iterator on the list of
nodes on which the person has at least the given permission (optional
argument: type of requested node)
- `Node.get_persons(permission[, type])` returns an iterator on the list of
users who have at least the given permission on the node (optional argument:
type of requested persons, such as `USER` or `GROUP`)
## Example
Let's imagine the `persons` table contains the following data:
| id | type | username |
| 1 | USER | David |
| 2 | GROUP | C.N.R.S. |
| 3 | USER | Alexandre |
| 4 | USER | Untel |
| 5 | GROUP | I.S.C. |
| 6 | USER | Bidule |
Assume "David" owns the groups "C.N.R.S." and "I.S.C.", "Alexandre" belongs to
the group "I.S.C.", with "Untel" and "Bidule" belonging to the group "C.N.R.S.".
"Alexandre" and "David" are in contact.
The `relationships` table then contains:
| person1_id | person2_id | type |
| 1 | 2 | OWNER |
| 1 | 5 | OWNER |
| 3 | 2 | MEMBER |
| 4 | 5 | MEMBER |
| 6 | 5 | MEMBER |
| 1 | 3 | CONTACT |
The `nodes` table is populated as such:
| id | type | name |
| 12 | PROJECT | My super project |
| 13 | CORPUS | A given corpus |
| 13 | CORPUS | The corpus |
| 14 | DOCUMENT | Some document |
| 15 | DOCUMENT | Another document |
| 16 | DOCUMENT | Yet another document |
| 17 | DOCUMENT | Last document |
| 18 | PROJECT | Another project |
| 19 | PROJECT | That project |
If we want to express that "David" created "My super project" (and its children)
and wants everyone in "C.N.R.S." to be able to view it, but not access it,
`permissions` should contain:
| person_id | node_id | permission |
| 1 | 12 | OWNER |
| 2 | 12 | READ |
If "David" also wanted "Alexandre" (and no one else) to view and modify "The
corpus" (and its children), we would have:
| person_id | node_id | permission |
| 1 | 12 | OWNER |
| 2 | 12 | READ |
| 3 | 13 | WRITE |
If "Alexandre" created "That project" and wants "Bidule" (and no one else) to be
able to view and modify it (and its children), the table should then have:
| person_id | node_id | permission |
| 3 | 19 | OWNER |
| 6 | 19 | WRITE |
Welcome to Garagentext documentation!
Install Instructions for Gargantext (CNRS):
=> Help needed ?
See []( and [tools]() for the community
*.1 with [docker](####DOCKER) [EASY]
*.2 with [debian](####DEBIAN) [EXPERT]
3. [RUN](##RUN)
Prepare your environnement
* Create user gargantua
Main user of Gargantext is Gargantua (role of Pantagruel soon)!
``` bash
sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" gargantua
* Create the directories you need
``` bash
for dir in "/srv/gargantext"
"/srv/env_3-5"; do
sudo mkdir -p $dir ;
sudo chown gargantua:gargantua $dir ;
You should see:
$tree /srv
├── gargantext
├── gargantext_lib
├── gargantext_media
│   └── srv
│   └── env_3-5
├── gargantext_static
└── lost+found [error opening dir]
* Get the main libraries
``` bash
wget \
&& tar xvjf gargantext_lib.tar.bz2 -o /srv/gargantext_lib \
&& sudo chown -R gargantua:gargantua /srv/gargantext_lib \
&& echo "Libs installed"
* Get the source code of Gargantext
by cloning the repository of gargantext
``` bash
git clone ssh:// /srv/gargantext \
&& cd /srv/gargantext \
&& git fetch origin refactoring \
&& git checkout refactoring \
TODO(soon): git clone
TODO(soon): install/
* **Optionnal**: if you want to contribute clone the repo into your own branch
``` bash
git checkout -b username-refactoring refactoring
Build your OS dependencies
2 ways, for each you need to install Debian GNU/Linux dependencies.
* Install docker
See [installation instruction for your distribution](
* Build your docker image
``` bash
cd /srv/gargantext/install/docker/dev
You should see
Successfully built <container_id>
* Enter into the docker environnement
``` bash
* Install Python environment
Inside the docker image, execute as root:
``` bash
* Configure PostgreSql
Inside the docker image, execute as root:
``` bash
* Exit the docker
exit (or Ctrl+D)
[EXPERTS] Debian way (directory install/debian)
Install Gargantext server
* Enter docker container
``` bash
* Configure the database
Inside the docker container:
``` bash
service postgresql start
#su gargantua
source /srv/env_3-5/bin/activate
python /srv/gargantext/
/srv/gargantext/ makemigrations
/srv/gargantext/ migrate
python /srv/gargantext/
#will create tables and not hyperdata_nodes
python /srv/gargantext/
#will create table hyperdata_nodes
#launch first time the server to create first user
/srv/gargantext/ runserver
/srv/gargantext/ /srv/gargantext/install/init/account.csv
FIXME: dbmigrate need to launched several times since tables are
ordered with alphabetical order (and not dependencies order)
* Launch Gargantext
Inside the docker container:
``` bash
#start postgresql
service postgresql start
#change to user
su gargantua
#activate the virtualenv
source /srv/env_3-5/bin/activate
#go to gargantext srv
cd /srv/gargantext/
#run the server
/ runserver
* Launch browser
outside the docker
``` bash
* Click on Test Gargantext
Login : gargantua
Password : autnagrag
Enjoy :)
See [User Guide](./ for quick usage example
Be more careful about authorizations.
cf. "ng-resource".
# Projects
## Overview of all projects
- re-implement deletion
## Single project view
- re-implement deletion
# Taggers
Path for data used by taggers should be defined in `gargantext.constants`.
# Database
# Sharing
Here follows a brief description of how sharing could be implemented.
## Database representation
The database representation of sharing can be distributed among 4 tables:
- `persons`, of which items represent either a user or a group
- `relationships` describes the relationships between persons (affiliation
of a user to a group, contact between two users, etc.)
- `nodes` contains the projects, corpora, documents, etc. to share (they shall
inherit the sharing properties from their parents)
- `permissions` stores the relations existing between the three previously
described above: it only consists of 2 foreign keys, plus an integer
between 1 and 3 representing the level of sharing and the start date
(when the sharing has been set) and the end date (when necessary, the time
at which sharing has been removed, `NULL` otherwise)
## Python code
The permission levels should be set in `gargantext.constants`, and defined as:
PERMISSION_NONE = 0 # 0b0000
PERMISSION_READ = 1 # 0b0001
The requests to check for permissions (or add new ones) should not be rewritten
every time. They should be "hidden" within the models:
- `Person.owns(node)` returns a boolean
- `Person.can_read(node)` returns a boolean
- `Person.can_write(node)` returns a boolean
- `Person.give_right(node, permission)` gives a right to a given user
- `Person.remove_right(node, permission)` removes a right from a given user
- `Person.get_nodes(permission[, type])` returns an iterator on the list of
nodes on which the person has at least the given permission (optional
argument: type of requested node)
- `Node.get_persons(permission[, type])` returns an iterator on the list of
users who have at least the given permission on the node (optional argument:
type of requested persons, such as `USER` or `GROUP`)
## Example
Let's imagine the `persons` table contains the following data:
| id | type | username |
| 1 | USER | David |
| 2 | GROUP | C.N.R.S. |
| 3 | USER | Alexandre |
| 4 | USER | Untel |
| 5 | GROUP | I.S.C. |
| 6 | USER | Bidule |
Assume "David" owns the groups "C.N.R.S." and "I.S.C.", "Alexandre" belongs to
the group "I.S.C.", with "Untel" and "Bidule" belonging to the group "C.N.R.S.".
"Alexandre" and "David" are in contact.
The `relationships` table then contains:
| person1_id | person2_id | type |
| 1 | 2 | OWNER |
| 1 | 5 | OWNER |
| 3 | 2 | MEMBER |
| 4 | 5 | MEMBER |
| 6 | 5 | MEMBER |
| 1 | 3 | CONTACT |
The `nodes` table is populated as such:
| id | type | name |
| 12 | PROJECT | My super project |
| 13 | CORPUS | A given corpus |
| 13 | CORPUS | The corpus |
| 14 | DOCUMENT | Some document |
| 15 | DOCUMENT | Another document |
| 16 | DOCUMENT | Yet another document |
| 17 | DOCUMENT | Last document |
| 18 | PROJECT | Another project |
| 19 | PROJECT | That project |
If we want to express that "David" created "My super project" (and its children)
and wants everyone in "C.N.R.S." to be able to view it, but not access it,
`permissions` should contain:
| person_id | node_id | permission |
| 1 | 12 | OWNER |
| 2 | 12 | READ |
If "David" also wanted "Alexandre" (and no one else) to view and modify "The
corpus" (and its children), we would have:
| person_id | node_id | permission |
| 1 | 12 | OWNER |
| 2 | 12 | READ |
| 3 | 13 | WRITE |
If "Alexandre" created "That project" and wants "Bidule" (and no one else) to be
able to view and modify it (and its children), the table should then have:
| person_id | node_id | permission |
| 3 | 19 | OWNER |
| 6 | 19 | WRITE |
site_name: Gargantext
- "Welcome":""
- "Installation Guide":""
- "User Guide":""
- "Contribution Guide":""
- "Next steps":""
theme: readthedocs
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