Commit d72f5354 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

[FEAT] ngrams table: add a client-side monograms/multigrams filter

parent 53a568d8
......@@ -2186,15 +2186,29 @@ function MainTableAndCharts( ngdata , initial , search_filter) {
// bind a filter named 'my_state_filter' to dynatable.queries.functions'dynatable').queries
// selects on current state <=> shows only elements of specific list
// nb: possible value are in {0,1,2} (see terms.html > #picklistmenu)
// (see terms.html > #picklistmenu)
.functions['my_state_filter'] = function(record,selectedValue) {
if (selectedValue == 'reset') {
// return (AjaxRecords[].state >= 0)
return true
// for states, possible value are in {0,1,2}
else if (selectedValue <= 2) {
// return true or false
return (AjaxRecords[].state == selectedValue)
// for values > max_state we can also select mono/multi
else if (selectedValue == 3) {
// one-word terms aka monograms aka monolexical terms
return (AjaxRecords[]['name'].indexOf(" ") == -1)
else if (selectedValue == 4) {
// MWE aka multigrams aka polylexical terms
return (AjaxRecords[]['name'].indexOf(" ") != -1)
else {
// return true or false
return (AjaxRecords[].state == selectedValue)
console.error("unknown value in #picklistmenu :", selectedValue)
return true
......@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ em {
<!-- <option value='1' selected="selected">Map terms only</option> -->
<option value='1'>Map terms only</option>
<option value='2'>Stopwords only</option>
<option value='3'>One word terms only</option>
<option value='4'>Multiword terms only</option>
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