Commit d8908ff2 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

DOC: starting a list of all rest API urls

parent 7f7ac788
List of garg's own JSON API(s) urls
### /api/nodes/2
"id": 2,
"parent_id": 1,
"name": "abstract:\"evaporation+loss\"",
"typename": "CORPUS"
### /api/nodes?pagination_limit=-1
"records": [
"id": 9,
"parent_id": 2,
"name": "A recording evaporimeter",
"typename": "DOCUMENT"
"id": 119,
"parent_id": 81,
"name": "GRAPH EXPLORER COOC (in:81)",
"typename": "COOCCURRENCES"
"count": 119,
"parameters": {
"formated": "json","pagination_limit": -1,
"fields": ["id","parent_id","name","typename"],
"pagination_offset": 0
### /api/nodes?types[]=CORPUS
"records": [
"id": 2,
"parent_id": 1,
"name": "abstract:\"evaporation+loss\"",
"typename": "CORPUS"
"id": 8181,
"parent_id": 1,
"name": "abstract:(astrogeology+OR ((space OR spatial) AND planetary) AND geology)",
"typename": "CORPUS"
"count": 2,
"parameters": {
"pagination_limit": 10,
"types": ["CORPUS"],
"formated": "json",
"pagination_offset": 0,
"fields": ["id","parent_id","name","typename"]
### /api/nodes/5?fields[]=ngrams
<5> représente un doc_id ou list_id
"ngrams": [
[1.0,{"id":1755,"n":2,"terms":higher speeds}],
[1.0,{"id":2221,"n":3,"terms":other synthesized materials}],
[9.0,{"id":1754,"n":2,"terms":spherical gauges}],
[1.0,{"id":1981,"n":2,"terms":"wind effects"}]
### api/nodes/3?fields[]=id&fields[]=hyperdata&fields[]=typename
"id": 3,
"typename": "DOCUMENT",
"hyperdata": {
"language_name": "English",
"language_iso3": "eng",
"language_iso2": "en",
"title": "A blabla analysis of laser treated aluminium blablabla",
"name": "A blabla analysis of laser treated aluminium blablabla",
"authors": "A K. Jain, V.N. Kulkarni, D.K. Sood"
"authorsRAW": [
{"name": "....", "affiliations": ["... Research Centre,.. 085, Country"]},
{"name": "....", "affiliations": ["... Research Centre,.. 086, Country"]}
"abstract": "Laser processing of materials, being a rapid melt quenching process, quite often produces a surface which is far from being ideally smooth for ion beam analysis. (...)",
"genre": ["research-article"],
"doi": "10.1016/0029-554X(81)90998-8",
"journal": "Nuclear Instruments and Methods In Physics Research",
"publication_year": "1981",
"publication_date": "1981-01-01 00:00:00",
"publication_month": "01",
"publication_day": "01",
"publication_hour": "00",
"publication_minute": "00",
"publication_second": "00",
"id": "61076EB1178A97939B1C893904C77FB7DA2276D0",
"source": "elsevier",
"distributor": "istex"
## TODO continuer la liste
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