Commit dd049cd0 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

FIX bug with time period reset on titles.html volume chart

parent 90bb3688
......@@ -33,15 +33,9 @@ var latest,oldest;
var TheBuffer = false
function Push2Buffer( NewVal ) {
console.log( " = = = = = = = = " )
console.log( "Push2Buffer()" )
console.log( "\t"+NewVal )
if ( TheBuffer == false) {
if( ! NewVal ) {
// var limits = [ new Date( oldest[0],oldest[1],oldest[2] ) , new Date( latest[0],latest[1],latest[2] ) ];
var limits = [new Date(oldest[0],oldest[1]-1,oldest[2]), new Date(latest[0],latest[1]-1,latest[2] ) ];
limits[0] = new Date(limits[0].setDate(limits[0].getDate()-1) );
limits[1] = new Date(limits[1].setDate(limits[1].getDate()+1) );
var limits = [ oldest , latest ];
NewVal = limits;
console.log( " - - - - - - " )
......@@ -57,9 +51,7 @@ function Push2Buffer( NewVal ) {
var past = TheBuffer[0]+"_"+TheBuffer[1]
if( ! NewVal ) {
var limits = [new Date(oldest[0],oldest[1]-1,oldest[2]), new Date(latest[0],latest[1]-1,latest[2] ) ];
limits[0] = new Date(limits[0].setDate(limits[0].getDate()-1) );
limits[1] = new Date(limits[1].setDate(limits[1].getDate()+1) );
var limits = [ oldest , latest ];
NewVal = limits;
var now = NewVal[0]+"_"+NewVal[1]
......@@ -101,18 +93,19 @@ function Final_UpdateTable( action ) {
var dataini = TheBuffer[0];
var datafin = TheBuffer[1];
pr("show me the pubs of the selected period")
console.log( TheBuffer )
// console.log( TheBuffer )
pr("\tfrom ["+dataini+"] to ["+datafin+"]")
TimeRange = []
console.log(dataini, datafin)
// console.log("dataini, datafin")
// console.log(dataini, datafin)
$.each(AjaxRecords, function(i, node) {
if ( >= dataini && >= dataini) {
// pr( AjaxRecords[i].date+" : "+AjaxRecords[i].id )
// console.log(TimeRange)
MyTable = $('#my-ajax-table').dynatable({
dataset: {
......@@ -307,6 +300,7 @@ function Main_test( Data , SearchFilter ) {
var t1 = get_node_date(AjaxRecords.slice(-1)[0]);
oldest = t0;
latest = t1;
console.log('t0, t1')
console.log(t0, t1)
TheBuffer = [t0, t1];
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<div class="row">
<div id="monthly-volume-chart"></div>
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