Commit e5921a22 authored by Romain Loth's avatar Romain Loth

restore resources loop and make the 'extracted' boolean work with save_hyperdata

parent 2fee8dc5
......@@ -10,31 +10,33 @@ def parse(corpus):
documents_count = 0
corpus.status('Docs', progress=0)
#1 corpus => 1 resource
# shortcut to hyperdata's list of added resources (packs of docs)
resources = corpus.resources()
#get the sources capabilities for a given corpus resource
sources = [get_resource(resource["type"]) for resource in corpus.resources() if resource["extracted"] is False]
if len(sources) == 0:
#>>> documents have already been parsed?????
if len(sources) > 0:
#>>> necessairement 1 corpus = 1 source dans l'archi actuelle
source = sources[0]
resource = resources[0]
if source["parser"] is None:
# each resource contains a path to a file with the docs
for i, resource in enumerate(resources):
# we'll only want the resources that have never been extracted
if resource["extracted"]:
# the sourcetype's infos
source_infos = get_resource(resource['type'])
if source_infos["parser"] is None:
raise ValueError("Resource '%s' has no Parser" %resource["name"])
#observed langages in corpus docs
corpus.languages = defaultdict.fromkeys(source["default_languages"], 0)
corpus.languages = defaultdict.fromkeys(source_infos["default_languages"], 0)
#remember the skipped docs in parsing
skipped_languages = []
corpus.skipped_docs = []
#load the corresponding parser
parserbot = load_parser(source)
parserbot = load_parser(source_infos)
# extract and insert documents from resource.path into database
default_lang_field = ["language_"+l for l in ["iso2", "iso3", "full_name"]]
......@@ -48,7 +50,6 @@ def parse(corpus):
hyperdata["error"] = "Error normalize_chars"
#any parser should implement a language_iso2
if "language_iso2" in hyperdata.keys():
......@@ -109,7 +110,9 @@ def parse(corpus):
# update info about the resource
resource['extracted'] = True
corpus.hyperdata['resources'][i]['extracted'] = True
# add a corpus-level info about languages adding a __skipped__ info
corpus.languages['__skipped__'] = Counter(skipped_languages)
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