Commit fc33b3c8 authored by sim's avatar sim

Trailing spaces

parent d75224b7
......@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ def scan_gargantext(corpus_id, lang, request):
connection = get_engine().connect()
# TODO add some sugar the request (ideally request should be the same for hal and garg)
query = """select count( from nodes n
where to_tsvector('%s', hyperdata ->> 'abstract' || 'title')
where to_tsvector('%s', hyperdata ->> 'abstract' || 'title')
@@ to_tsquery('%s')
AND n.parent_id = %s;""" % (lang, request, corpus_id)
AND n.parent_id = %s;""" % (lang, request, corpus_id)
return [i for i in connection.execute(query)][0][0]
......@@ -76,28 +76,28 @@ def myProject_fromUrl(url):
def newCorpus(project, resourceName=11, name="Machine learning", query="LSTM"):
print("Corpus \"%s\" in project \"%s\" created" % (name,
corpus = project.add_child(name="Corpus name", typename='CORPUS')
corpus.hyperdata["resources"] = [{"extracted" : "true", "type" : 11}]
corpus.hyperdata["statuses"] = [{"action" : "notebook", "complete" : "true"}]
# [TODO] Add informations needed to get buttons on the Project view.
hal = HalCrawler()
max_result = hal.scan_results(query)
paging = 100
paging = 100
for page in range(0, max_result, paging):
print("%s documents downloaded / %s." % (str( paging * (page +1)), str(max_result) ))
docs = (hal._get(query, fromPage=page, count=paging)
.get("response", {})
.get("docs", [])
from gargantext.util.parsers.HAL import HalParser
# [TODO] fix boilerplate for docs here
new_docs = HalParser(docs)._parse(docs)
for doc in new_docs:
new_doc = (corpus.add_child( name = doc["title"][:255]
, typename = 'DOCUMENT')
......@@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ def newCorpus(project, resourceName=11, name="Machine learning", query="LSTM"):
new_doc["hyperdata"] = doc
print("Extracting the ngrams")
print("Corpus is ready to explore:")
print("" % (,
return corpus
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