Last commit
Last update
annotations [ANNOTATIONS] Some comments.
docs Documentation removed after subtree tests. Adding it again.
gargantext [FIX] Queue max size Overflow
graph FIX gargantext Graph explorer VIEW
install [REPO] update url
moissonneurs [SECURITY FIX] BUG 31
static In help graph manipulation > graph edition. Pour moi graph manipulation est quand on selectionne un noeud
templates [FIX] TPL SOURCES bar
unittests unittests: revert the use of setUpClass for test node creation: the idea was valid but it triggers bug as in
uploads [BUGFIX] autocomplete pubmed ok
.gitignore Merge from docs + recent updates [FILE] Adding changelog.
LICENSE [LICENCE] Adding AGPL first, CECILL second (for no french speaker) Cosmetics, adding line [UPDATE] Delete with cascading done. contribution [DOCKER] Install : OK. Needs only 03-Run fix and port fix.
gargantext.ini [SERVER CONF] adding post-buffering. [INIT ACCOUNTS] Message update: [GIT] "first" commit
mkdocs.yml MKDOCS
start_celery Prod/Dev version of Gargantext. TODO: asynchronous parser has a bug.
start_uwsgi [ADMIN] Fix sudoers admin rights.

About Gargantext

Gargantext is a collaborative web platform for the exploration of sets of unstructured documents. It combines tools from natural language processing, text-mining, complex networks analysis and interactive data visualization to pave the way toward new kinds of interactions with your digital corpora. In few minutes, you will be able to do knowledge maps, collaborative state-of-the-art, portfolio analysis and many other crazy things. Say good-bye to headaches in front of thousands of document to analyze and launch yourself into the Gargantext adventure.

This software is free software, developed by the CNRS Complex Systems Institute of Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) and its partners.

Developers willing to join the Gargantext community are welcome.

Gargantext plateforme

Official code repository

History of Gargantext

Gargantext project is a continuation of the TINA project (Chavalarias D. 2009-2011, EU FP7 FET Open 245412). The development of Gargantext has benefited from synergies with the whole ecosystem of open source softwares for text and network analytics, including Cortext, NLTK and SigmaJS.

Team, partners and supports

The core team at the origin of Gargantext is :

  • David Chavalarias, principal investigator
  • Alexandre Delanoë, project manager
  • Samuel Castillo J., developer
  • Romain Loth, developer
  • Mathieu Rodic, developer
  • Constance de Quatrebarbes, developer

Host institutions of this project

  • CNRS labs ISC-PIF (Institut des Systèmes Complexes de Paris Île de France)
  • CAMS (Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématiques Sociales)

This project has received the support from the following institutional partners are :

  • Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Sociales (EHESS)
  • Ecole des Mines ParisTech, CSI
  • Institut Pasteur

This project has received grant from the following programs

  • Programme CNRS MI Mastodons