Running unit tests will involve creating a temporary test DB !
- it implies CREATEDB permssions for settings.DATABASES.user
(this has security consequences) - for instance in gargantext you would need to run this in psql as postgres:
A "principe de précaution" could be to allow gargantua the CREATEDB rights on the dev machines (to be able to run tests) and not give it on the prod machines (no testing but more protection just in case).
./manage.py test unittests/ -v 2 # in django root container directory
# or for a single module
./manage.py test unittests.tests_010_basic -v 2
( -v 2
is the verbosity level )
- tests_010_basic
- ** tests ??? **
- ** tests ??? **
- ** tests ??? **
- ** tests ??? **
- ** tests ??? **
Checks the response types from the app url routes:- "/"
- "/api/nodes"
- "/api/nodes/"
- ** tests users ??? **
Checks each data source parserbot (CSV, Pubmed, Zotero, Istex, etc.)- correct parsing for a small sample
Most of the tests will interact with a DB but we don't want to touch the real one so we provide a customized test_runner class in unittests/framework.py
that creates a test database.
It must be referenced in django's settings.py
like this:
TEST_RUNNER = 'unittests.framework.GargTestRunner'
(This way the ./manage.py test
command will be using GargTestRunner.)
Using a DB session
The GargTestRunner overrides default settings so that the test database is used in the way we usually do it in gargantext :
from gargantext.util.db import session
session.query(Nodes).all() # gives all the nodes of the testdb
Accessing the URLS
Django tests provide a client to browse the urls
from django.test import Client
class MyTestRecipes(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.client = Client()
def test_001_get_front_page(self):
''' get the about page localhost/about '''
# --------------------------------------
the_response = self.client.get('/about')
# --------------------------------------
self.assertEqual(the_response.status_code, 200)
Logging in
Most of our functionalities are only available on login so we provide a fake user at the initialization of the test DB.
His login in 'pcorser' and password is 'peter'
from django.test import Client
class MyTestRecipes(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.client = Client()
# login ---------------------------------------------------
response = self.client.post(
{'username': 'pcorser', 'password': 'peter'}
# ---------------------------------------------------------
def test_002_get_to_a_restricted_page(self):
''' get the projects page /projects '''
the_response = self.client.get('/projects')
self.assertEqual(the_response.status_code, 200)