enh: trying to make it work with Gate..

parent 8467cb26
......@@ -17,12 +17,15 @@ where your settings file is something like:
Settings (
port = 8990,
MongoDB("opennole", "rocks", "localhost", 27017, "openmole", "login")
MongoDB("openmole", "rocks", "localhost", 27017, "openmole", "login")
//MongoDB(login, pass, host, port, db, dataset)
An example settings file is available [in the repo](settings-sample.conf).
This will use the default MongoDB configuration (mongodb://openmole:rocks@localhost:27017/openmole?login).
You can launch the jetty server with your own URI:
project server // in sbt mode
......@@ -48,4 +51,4 @@ docker run \
This will start a MongoDB instance prepopulated with an `openmole` user and a dummy record in a `test` collection (as can be seen [this command file](docker/bootstrap.js)).
Then, browse [localhost:8080](localhost:8080)
\ No newline at end of file
Then, browse [localhost:8080](localhost:8080)
db = db.getSiblingDB('admin');
db.createUser({ user: 'openmole', pwd: 'rocks', roles: ["readWrite" ] });
//db = db.getSiblingDB('admin');
db = db.getSiblingDB('openmole');
db.createUser({ user: 'openmole', pwd: 'rocks', roles: ["readWrite"] });
Settings (
port = 8990,
MongoDB("openmole", "rocks", "localhost", 27017, "openmole", "login")
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