Commit 70c86bf6 authored by delanoe's avatar delanoe

Some functions need to be factorized. But Ok, need some benchmarks (quality of...

Some functions need to be factorized. But Ok, need some benchmarks (quality of partitions) with networkx or igraph.
parent f536ff7e
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain
module Main where
import Lib
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Louvain
import Data.Utils
import Data.GexfParser
main :: IO ()
main = someFunc
main = do
[file] <- getArgs
graph <- mkGraph' <$> importGraphFromGexf file
print $ bestpartition True graph
......@@ -24,23 +24,25 @@ library
, hxt
default-language: Haskell2010
-- executable louvain-exe
-- hs-source-dirs: app
-- main-is: Main.hs
-- ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
-- build-depends: base
-- , louvain
-- default-language: Haskell2010
-- test-suite louvain-test
-- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
-- hs-source-dirs: test
-- main-is: Spec.hs
-- build-depends: base
-- , louvain
-- ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
-- default-language: Haskell2010
executable louvain
hs-source-dirs: app
main-is: Main.hs
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -O2
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, fgl
, hxt
, louvain
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite louvain-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Spec.hs
build-depends: base
, louvain
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
default-language: Haskell2010
-- source-repository head
-- type: git
-- location:
module Data.Example where
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Utils
import Data.GexfParser
import Data.Graph.Inductive
karate :: IO (Gr () Double)
karate = mkGraph' <$> importGraphFromGexf "Data/karate.gexf"
karate = mkGraph' <$> importGraphFromGexf "src/Data/karate.gexf"
karate2com :: [[Node]]
karate2com = sort $ (sort) [[10, 29, 32, 25, 28, 26, 24, 30, 27, 34, 31, 33, 23, 15, 16, 21, 19], [3, 9, 8, 4, 14, 20, 2, 13, 22, 1, 18, 12, 5, 7, 6, 17]]
eU :: [LEdge Double]
eU = [
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Data.GexfParser (importGraphFromGexf)
import Text.XML.HXT.Core
import qualified Data.Graph as DataGraph
-- import qualified Data.Graph as DataGraph
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as FGL
import System.Environment (getArgs)
......@@ -42,27 +42,27 @@ getTargets :: String -> Graph -> [String]
getTargets source graph = map snd $ filter ((==source).fst) $ edges graph
-- Convert a graph node into a Data.Graph-usable
getDataGraphNode :: Graph -> String -> (String, String, [String])
getDataGraphNode graph node = (node, node, getTargets node graph)
getDataGraphNode' :: Graph -> String -> (Int, [Int])
getDataGraphNode' graph node = (read node, read (getTargets node graph))
-- Convert a Graph instance into a Data.Graph list of (node, nodeid, edge) tuples
getDataGraphNodeList :: Graph -> [(String, String, [String])]
getDataGraphNodeList graph = map (getDataGraphNode graph) (nodes graph)
getDataGraphNodeList' :: Graph -> [(Int, [Int])]
getDataGraphNodeList' graph = map (getDataGraphNode' graph) (nodes graph)
-- Convert Graph structure to Data.Graph-importable tuple list
importGraph :: FilePath -> IO [(Int, [Int])]
importGraph file = do
graphs <- runX (readDocument [withValidate no] file >>> parseGraph)
let graphEdges = getDataGraphNodeList' $ head graphs
return graphEdges
-- getDataGraphNode :: Graph -> String -> (String, String, [String])
-- getDataGraphNode graph node = (node, node, getTargets node graph)
-- getDataGraphNode' :: Graph -> String -> (Int, [Int])
-- getDataGraphNode' graph node = (read node, read (getTargets node graph))
-- -- Convert a Graph instance into a Data.Graph list of (node, nodeid, edge) tuples
-- getDataGraphNodeList :: Graph -> [(String, String, [String])]
-- getDataGraphNodeList graph = map (getDataGraphNode graph) (nodes graph)
-- getDataGraphNodeList' :: Graph -> [(Int, [Int])]
-- getDataGraphNodeList' graph = map (getDataGraphNode' graph) (nodes graph)
-- -- Convert Graph structure to Data.Graph-importable tuple list
-- importGraph :: FilePath -> IO [(Int, [Int])]
-- importGraph file = do
-- graphs <- runX (readDocument [withValidate no] file >>> parseGraph)
-- let graphEdges = getDataGraphNodeList' $ head graphs
-- return graphEdges
--importGraph' :: FilePath -> IO [(Int, [Int])]
importGraph' file = runX (readDocument [withValidate no] file >>> parseGraph)
......@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ importGraphFromGexf file = (\(a,b) -> (read a, read b, 1)) <$> edges
--main :: IO()
main = do
[file] <- getArgs
importGraph file >>= print
-- main = do
-- [file] <- getArgs
-- importGraph file >>= print
-- Convert to a Data.Graph
-- let (graph, vertexMap) = DataGraph.graphFromEdges' graphEdges
-- Example of what to do with the Graph: Print vertices
module Data.Louvain where
import Data.List (minimum, maximumBy,nub, intersect, foldl', reverse)
import Data.List (maximumBy,nub, intersect, scanl', foldl')
import Data.Graph.Inductive
import Data.Example
-- | Definitions
type Modularity = Double
type Community = [Node]
type Partition = [Community]
startcom :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[Node]]
startcom gr = (\x -> [] ++ [x]) ( nodes gr )
type Reverse = Bool
stepscom :: DynGraph gr => gr a1 b -> Int -> [[Node]]
stepscom gr n = foldl' (\xs n' -> stepcom gr (smallCom xs) xs) (startcom gr) [1..n]
-- | Partitionning the graph
bestpartition :: (Eq b, DynGraph gr) => Reverse -> gr a b -> [[Node]]
bestpartition r gr = converge gr (start gr r)
converge :: (Eq b, DynGraph gr) => gr a1 b -> [[Node]] -> [[Node]]
converge gr ns = case stepscom gr (length ns) ns of
ns' | ns == ns' -> ns
| otherwise -> stepscom gr (length ns') ns'
dendogram :: (Eq b, DynGraph gr) => gr a b -> Int -> Reverse -> [[Node]]
dendogram gr n r = stepscom gr n (start gr r)
start :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> Reverse -> [[Node]]
start gr r = order $ (\x -> [] ++ [x]) ( nodes gr )
order = case r of
True -> reverse
False -> id
stepscom :: (DynGraph gr, Eq b) => gr a1 b -> Int -> [[Node]] -> [[Node]]
stepscom gr n ns = foldl' (\xs _ -> stepcom gr' (smallCom xs) xs) ns [1..n]
gr' = undir gr
smallCom xs = head $ filter (\x -> length x == minimum ( length xs)) (reverse xs)
stepscom' :: (DynGraph gr, Eq b) => gr a1 b -> Int -> [[Node]] -> [[Node]]
stepscom' gr n ns = foldl' (\xs _ -> stepcom' gr' (smallCom xs) xs) ns [1..n]
gr' = undir gr
smallCom xs = head $ filter (\x -> length x == minimum ( length xs)) (reverse xs)
stepcom' :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [Node] -> [[Node]] -> [[Node]]
stepcom' gr n ns = bestModularities gr $ (\x -> x ++ neighout) (addcom n neighin)
-- | First remove the node (n) of the current partition (ns)
ns' = filter (/= n) ns
neighin = filter (\c -> (intersect (neighcom gr n) c) /= [] ) ns'
neighout = filter (\c -> (intersect (neighcom gr n) c) == [] ) ns'
stepcom :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [Node] -> [[Node]] -> [[Node]]
stepcom gr n ns = bestModularities gr $ [ns] ++ (\x -> x ++ neighout) (addcom n neighin)
-- | First remove the node (n) of the current partition (ns)
ns' = filter (/= n) ns
neighin = filter (\c -> (intersect (neighcom gr n) c) /= [] ) ns'
neighout = filter (\c -> (intersect (neighcom gr n) c) == [] ) ns'
......@@ -25,10 +72,10 @@ addcom :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [[[a]]]
addcom com coms = (\n -> addcom' com (rotate n coms)) ns
ns = [0.. fromIntegral (length coms) ]
addcom' com coms = [com'] ++ coms''
addcom' c cs = [com'] ++ coms''
com' = concat $ [com] ++ (take 1 coms)
coms'' = drop 1 coms
com' = concat $ [c] ++ (take 1 cs)
coms'' = drop 1 cs
neighcom :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [Node] -> [Node]
neighcom gr ns = ( nub . filter (not . (`elem` ns)) . concat ) ns'
......@@ -38,6 +85,10 @@ rotate :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
rotate _ [] = []
rotate n xs = zipWith const (drop n (cycle xs)) xs
-- | Computing modularity of the partition
modularities :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[Node]] -> Double
modularities gr xs = sum $ (\y -> modularity gr y) xs
......@@ -47,7 +98,6 @@ compareModularities gr xs ys
| modularities gr xs > modularities gr ys = GT
| otherwise = EQ
bestModularities :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[[Node]]] -> [[Node]]
bestModularities gr ns = maximumBy (compareModularities gr) ns
......@@ -72,12 +122,6 @@ modularity gr ns = coverage - edgeDensity
links :: Double
links = fromIntegral (2 * (size gr))
main = do
k <- karate
print $ stepscom k 35
-- | Discover what NP complete means:
......@@ -98,18 +142,18 @@ separate (x:xs) = let recur = separate xs
in split ++ noSplit
separate' :: forall a. [a] -> [[[a]]]
separate' xs = [ takeDrop t (rotate r xs)
| t <- [1.. fromIntegral (length xs) - 1 ]
, r <- [0.. fromIntegral (length xs) ]
-- separate' :: forall a. [a] -> [[[a]]]
-- separate' xs = [ takeDrop t (rotate r xs)
-- | t <- [1.. fromIntegral (length xs) - 1 ]
-- , r <- [0.. fromIntegral (length xs) ]
-- ]
gpartition :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[[Node]]]
gpartition gr = separate (nodes gr)
bestPartition :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[Node]]
bestPartition gr = maximumBy (compareModularities gr) $ gpartition gr
bestPartition' :: DynGraph gr => gr a b -> [[Node]]
bestPartition' gr = maximumBy (compareModularities gr) $ gpartition gr
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Example
import Data.Louvain
testKarate2com = do
p <- bestpartition True <$> karate
k <- karate
let result = (sort $ (sort) (stepscom' k 2 p))
print result
print karate2com
print $ result == karate2com
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Test suite not yet implemented"
main = testKarate2com
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