[stack] save lts-21.25.yaml from stackage

parent ee6fc1c4
Pipeline #6641 failed with stages
in 15 minutes and 15 seconds
......@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ expected_cabal_project_freeze_hash="de1726d350936da5f5e15140e3be29bb4f44757c5702
cabal --store-dir=$STORE_DIR v2-build --dry-run
# cabal2stack --system-ghc --allow-newer --resolver lts-21.17 --resolver-file devops/stack/lts-21.17.yaml -o stack.yaml
cabal2stack --system-ghc --allow-newer --resolver lts-21.25 -o stack.yaml
cabal2stack --system-ghc --allow-newer --resolver lts-21.25 --resolver-file devops/stack/lts-21.25.yaml -o stack.yaml
cabal --store-dir=$STORE_DIR v2-freeze
# Run 'sed' to remove the constraint for 'gargantext', as it doesn't make sense and
# https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stackage-snapshots/blob/master/lts/21/17.yaml
fast-bignum: false
This diff is collapsed.
"allow-newer": true
- "Glob-0.10.2"
- "HTTP-4000.4.1"
- "HUnit-"
- "JuicyPixels-3.3.9"
- "KMP-"
- "MissingH-"
- "MonadRandom-0.6"
- "OneTuple-0.4.2"
- "Only-0.1"
- "QuickCheck-2.14.3"
- "RSA-2.4.1"
- "SHA-"
- "StateVar-1.2.2"
- "abstract-deque-0.3"
- "adjunctions-4.4.2"
- "aeson-"
- "aeson-pretty-0.8.10"
- "aeson-qq-0.8.4"
- "alex-"
- "ansi-terminal-1.0.2"
- "ansi-terminal-types-0.11.5"
- "ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9"
- "appar-0.1.8"
- "asn1-encoding-0.9.6"
- "asn1-parse-0.9.5"
- "asn1-types-0.3.4"
- "assoc-1.1.1"
- "async-2.2.5"
- "atomic-primops-0.8.8"
- "attoparsec-0.14.4"
- "attoparsec-aeson-"
- "attoparsec-iso8601-"
- "authenticate-oauth-1.7"
- "auto-update-0.1.6"
- "barbies-"
- "base-compat-0.13.1"
- "base-compat-batteries-0.13.1"
- "base-orphans-0.9.2"
- "base-unicode-symbols-"
- "base16-bytestring-"
- "base64-1.0"
- "base64-bytestring-"
- "basement-0.0.16"
- "bifunctors-5.6.2"
- "bimap-0.5.0"
- "binary-orphans-1.0.5"
- "bindings-DSL-1.0.25"
- "bitvec-"
- "blaze-builder-"
- "blaze-html-"
- "blaze-markup-"
- "boring-0.2.2"
- "bsb-http-chunked-"
- "byteable-0.1.1"
- "byteorder-1.0.4"
- "bytestring-builder-"
- "bzlib-conduit-"
- "c2hs-0.28.8"
- "cabal-doctest-1.0.10"
- "cache-"
- "call-stack-0.4.0"
- "case-insensitive-"
- "cassava-"
- "cassava-conduit-0.6.6"
- "cborg-"
- "cereal-"
- "charset-0.3.10"
- "cipher-aes-0.2.11"
- "clock-0.8.4"
- "cmdargs-0.10.22"
- "code-page-0.2.1"
- "colour-2.3.6"
- "comonad-5.0.8"
- "concise-"
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- "contravariant-1.5.5"
- "cookie-0.4.6"
- "cprng-aes-0.6.1"
- "criterion-"
- "criterion-measurement-"
- "cron-0.7.1"
- "crypto-api-0.13.3"
- "crypto-cipher-types-0.0.9"
- "crypto-pubkey-types-0.4.3"
- "crypto-random-0.0.9"
- "cryptohash-0.11.9"
- "cryptohash-md5-"
- "cryptohash-sha1-"
- "crypton-1.0.0"
- "crypton-x509-1.7.7"
- "cryptonite-0.30"
- "data-default-"
- "data-default-class-"
- "data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1"
- "data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1"
- "data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1"
- "data-fix-0.3.4"
- "data-ordlist-"
- "dec-0.0.6"
- "deferred-folds-"
- "dense-linear-algebra-"
- "digest-"
- "discrimination-0.5"
- "distributive-"
- "dlist-1.0"
- "double-conversion-"
- "easy-file-0.2.5"
- "either-5.0.2"
- "ekg-core-"
- "enclosed-exceptions-1.0.3"
- "entropy-"
- "erf-"
- "extra-1.7.16"
- "fail-"
- "fast-logger-3.2.3"
- "fgl-"
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- "file-embed-lzma-0.1"
- "fmt-"
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- "generic-monoid-"
- "generically-0.1.1"
- "generics-sop-"
- "githash-"
- "graphviz-2999.20.2.0"
- "groups-0.5.3"
- "half-0.3.1"
- "happy-"
- "hashable-"
- "hashtables-1.3.1"
- "haskell-lexer-1.1.1"
- "haskell-src-exts-1.23.1"
- "haskell-src-meta-0.8.14"
- "hedgehog-1.5"
- "hgal-"
- "hmatrix-gsl-stats-"
- "hourglass-0.2.12"
- "hsc2hs-0.68.10"
- "hslogger-"
- "hsparql-0.3.8"
- "hspec-2.11.9"
......@@ -155,62 +49,24 @@
- "hspec-core-2.11.9"
- "hspec-discover-2.11.9"
- "hspec-expectations-0.8.4"
- "hspec-wai-0.11.1"
- "hspec-wai-json-0.11.0"
- "hstatistics-0.3.1"
- "http-accept-0.2"
- "http-api-data-0.5.1"
- "http-client-0.7.14"
- "http-client-tls-"
- "http-conduit-"
- "http-date-0.0.11"
- "http-media-"
- "http-types-0.12.4"
- "http2-5.0.1"
- "hxt-"
- "hxt-charproperties-"
- "hxt-regex-xmlschema-"
- "hxt-unicode-"
- "indexed-profunctors-"
- "indexed-traversable-0.1.4"
- "indexed-traversable-instances-"
- "ini-0.4.2"
- "insert-ordered-containers-"
- "integer-logarithms-"
- "invariant-0.6.3"
- "iproute-1.7.14"
- "jose-"
- "js-chart-"
- "json-stream-"
- "kan-extensions-5.2.6"
- "language-c-0.9.3"
- "lens-5.2.3"
- "lens-aeson-1.2.3"
- "libffi-0.2.1"
- "libyaml-0.1.4"
- "libyaml-clib-0.2.5"
- "lifted-async-"
- "lifted-base-"
- "list-t-"
- "lockfree-queue-0.2.4"
- "logict-"
- "loop-0.3.0"
- "lzma-"
- "math-functions-"
- "matrix-"
- "megaparsec-9.6.1"
- "memory-0.18.0"
- "microlens-"
- "microlens-th-"
- "microstache-"
- "mime-mail-0.5.1"
- "mime-types-"
- "mmorph-1.2.0"
- "modern-uri-"
- "monad-control-"
- "monad-logger-0.3.40"
- "monad-loops-0.4.3"
- "monad-time-"
- "mono-traversable-"
- "monoid-extras-0.6.3"
- "morpheus-graphql-0.24.3"
......@@ -221,204 +77,74 @@
- "morpheus-graphql-core-0.24.3"
- "morpheus-graphql-server-0.24.3"
- "morpheus-graphql-subscriptions-0.24.3"
- "mtl-compat-0.2.2"
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- "network-control-0.0.2"
- "network-info-0.2.1"
- "network-uri-"
- "old-locale-"
- "old-time-"
- "opaleye-"
- "optics-core-"
- "optics-extra-"
- "optics-th-0.4.1"
- "optparse-applicative-"
- "optparse-generic-1.4.9"
- "optparse-simple-"
- "ordered-containers-0.2.4"
- "os-string-2.0.6"
- "parallel-"
- "parser-combinators-1.3.0"
- "parsers-0.12.11"
- "password-"
- "password-types-"
- "pem-0.2.4"
- "polyparse-1.13"
- "port-utils-"
- "postgres-options-"
- "postgresql-libpq-"
- "postgresql-simple-"
- "pretty-show-1.10"
- "pretty-simple-"
- "prettyprinter-1.7.1"
- "prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3"
- "primitive-"
- "primitive-extras-0.10.2"
- "primitive-unlifted-"
- "product-profunctors-"
- "profunctors-5.6.2"
- "promises-0.3"
- "protolude-0.3.4"
- "psqueues-"
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- "quickcheck-io-0.2.0"
- "rake-0.0.1"
- "random-"
- "random-shuffle-0.0.4"
- "raw-strings-qq-1.1"
- "recover-rtti-0.4.3"
- "recv-0.1.0"
- "reflection-2.1.8"
- "regex-"
- "regex-base-"
- "regex-compat-"
- "regex-pcre-builtin-"
- "regex-posix-"
- "regex-tdfa-"
- "relude-"
- "replace-attoparsec-"
- "req-3.13.0"
- "resource-pool-"
- "resourcet-1.3.0"
- "retry-"
- "safe-0.3.21"
- "safe-exceptions-"
- "scientific-"
- "securemem-0.1.10"
- "semialign-1.3"
- "semigroupoids-5.3.7"
- "semigroups-0.20"
- "serialise-"
- "servant-0.20.2"
- "servant-auth-"
- "servant-auth-client-"
- "servant-auth-server-"
- "servant-auth-swagger-"
- "servant-blaze-0.9.1"
- "servant-client-0.19"
- "servant-client-core-0.20.2"
- "servant-ekg-0.3.1"
- "servant-flatten-0.2"
- "servant-server-0.20.2"
- "servant-swagger-1.2.1"
- "servant-swagger-ui-"
- "servant-swagger-ui-core-0.3.5"
- "servant-websockets-2.0.0"
- "shelly-1.12.1"
- "simple-sendfile-0.2.32"
- "singleton-bool-0.1.8"
- "singletons-3.0.3"
- "singletons-base-3.1.1"
- "singletons-th-3.1.1"
- "smallcheck-"
- "smtp-mail-"
- "socks-0.6.1"
- "some-1.0.6"
- "sop-core-"
- "split-0.2.5"
- "splitmix-"
- "statistics-"
- "stemmer-0.5.2"
- "stm-chans-"
- "stm-containers-1.2.1"
- "stm-hamt-1.2.1"
- "storable-complex-"
- "streaming-commons-"
- "strict-0.5"
- "string-conversions-"
- "stringsearch-"
- "swagger2-2.8.9"
- "syb-"
- "system-filepath-0.4.14"
- "tagged-0.8.8"
- "taggy-0.2.1"
- "taggy-lens-0.1.2"
- "tagsoup-0.14.8"
- "tasty-1.5"
- "tasty-bench-0.4"
- "tasty-golden-2.3.5"
- "tasty-hspec-"
- "tasty-hunit-0.10.2"
- "tasty-quickcheck-0.11"
- "tasty-smallcheck-0.8.2"
- "temporary-1.3"
- "terminal-size-0.3.4"
- "text-format-"
- "text-metrics-0.3.2"
- "text-short-0.1.6"
- "tf-random-0.5"
- "th-abstraction-"
- "th-compat-0.1.5"
- "th-desugar-1.14"
- "th-expand-syns-"
- "th-lift-0.8.4"
- "th-lift-instances-0.1.20"
- "th-orphans-0.13.14"
- "th-reify-many-0.1.10"
- "these-1.2.1"
- "time-compat-1.9.7"
- "time-locale-compat-"
- "time-manager-0.0.1"
- "tls-1.6.0"
- "tmp-postgres-"
- "transformers-base-0.4.6"
- "transformers-compat-0.7.2"
- "tree-diff-"
- "tuple-"
- "type-equality-1.0.1"
- "typed-process-"
- "unicode-collation-"
- "unique-0.0.1"
- "unix-compat-0.7.2"
- "unix-time-0.4.15"
- "unliftio-"
- "unliftio-core-"
- "unordered-containers-0.2.20"
- "uri-bytestring-"
- "uri-encode-"
- "utf8-string-1.0.2"
- "utility-ht-"
- "uuid-1.3.16"
- "uuid-types-1.0.6"
- "validity-"
- "vault-"
- "vector-"
- "vector-algorithms-"
- "vector-binary-instances-"
- "vector-th-unbox-0.2.2"
- "void-0.7.3"
- "wai-3.2.4"
- "wai-app-static-3.1.9"
- "wai-cors-0.2.7"
- "wai-extra-3.1.15"
- "wai-logger-2.4.1"
- "wai-util-0.8"
- "wai-websockets-"
- "warp-3.3.31"
- "websockets-"
- "witherable-0.4.2"
- "wl-pprint-annotated-"
- "wl-pprint-text-"
- "word8-0.1.3"
- "wreq-"
- "wuss-"
- "x509-1.7.7"
- "x509-store-1.6.9"
- "x509-system-1.6.7"
- "x509-validation-1.6.12"
- "xml-1.3.14"
- "xml-conduit-"
- "xml-types-0.3.8"
- "yaml-"
- "zip-2.0.1"
- "zip-archive-"
- "zlib-"
- "zstd-"
- commit: 2b5d69448557e89002c0179ea1aaf59bb757a6e3
git: "https://github.com/AccelerateHS/accelerate-llvm.git"
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