Commit a4e388b1 authored by Alexandre Delanoë's avatar Alexandre Delanoë

[CLEAN] removing debug code.

parent 998ad895
......@@ -173,12 +173,7 @@ null (Sessions {sessions:seq}) = Seq.null seq
-- | Will attempt to load saved sessions from localstorage. should log
-- | if decoding fails
loadSessions :: Effect Sessions
loadSessions = do
-- getls >>= getItem localStorageKey >>= handleMaybe
tls <- getls
ls <- getItem localStorageKey tls
_ <- logs (show <$> ls)
handleMaybe ls
loadSessions = getls >>= getItem localStorageKey >>= handleMaybe
-- a localstorage lookup can find nothing
handleMaybe (Just val) = handleEither (parse val >>= decode)
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