Commit bad7eec4 authored by c24b's avatar c24b

Reduction du texte d'aide

parent 8e2527a2
......@@ -1011,10 +1011,10 @@ function getTips(){
"<!--<li>You can search a specific term in the search bar: <div id='search_input_group' class='input-group input-group-sm'><span class='input-group-btn'><button id='searchbutton' title='Search the topic in the map' class='btn btn-info' type='button'><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-search'></span></button></span><input id='searchinput' type='text' class='form-control' placeholder='Search' /></li>-->"+
"<ul><b>Graph manipulation:</b>"+
"<li>Node sizes maps (on a log scale) the number of documents that"+
"<p>Node sizes maps (on a log scale) the number of documents that"+
"mention its label and its associated terms (if any ).<br>"+
"When according to the chosen proximity measure, the proximity"+
"between two terms is strong enough, a link is displayed.</li>"+
"between two terms is strong enough, a link is displayed.</p>"+
"<li>You can filter links by strength using the 'edges filter' slider"+
"(this will fold/unfold the graph):"+
......@@ -1030,10 +1030,9 @@ function getTips(){
"<ul><b>Micro/Macro view:</b>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='lensButton'></a>"+
"<li>To center the graph, click on the center button. </li>"+
"<li>You can explore the graph using the slider and the macro/mesolevel button."+
"<div class='inline'><a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomPlusButton'></a>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomMinusButton'></a></div>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='edgesButton'></a>"+
"<li>To see the edges, click on the edges button. </li>"+
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