Commit bce2e63a authored by c24b's avatar c24b

HELP traduction + ordre des boutons

parent 04c213bb
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ help = { "#project":{
"'nodes filter' slider (e.g. to get only the most popular"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_nodes.png'/>"+
"<li>To change size of label (proportionnal to their strenght) use the 'label size slider':</li> "+
"<li>To change size of label (proportionnal to their strenght) use the 'label size slider':</li>"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_label.png'/>"+
"<li>Change cluster coloration using <label>'Colors'</label> button choosing in the options"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_color.png'/>"+
......@@ -190,48 +190,50 @@ help = { "#project":{
"content":"Manipuler and éditer le graph grace à cette barre d'outil"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_edges.png'/>"+
"<li>You can decide to remove small nodes or large nodes using the"+
"'nodes filter' slider (e.g. to get only the most popular"+
"<li>Vous pouvez supprimer en fonction de leur taille en utilisant"+
"la barre glissante 'nodes filter' (e.g. supprimer les petits noeuds pour conserver simplement les expressions les plus populaires):</li>"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_nodes.png'/>"+
"<li>To change size of label (proportionnal to their strenght) use the 'label size slider':</li> "+
"<li>Pour changer la taille des labels (proportionnel à leur poids) utilisez la barre glissante 'label size slider':</li> "+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_label.png'/>"+
"<li>Change cluster coloration using <label>'Colors'</label> button choosing in the options"+
"<li>Changez la coloration des clusters en utilsant le boutton <label>'Colors'</label> et en selectionnant une option de coloration</li>"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_color.png'/>"+
"<li>Change size of the nodes using <label>'Sizes'</label> button choosing in the options"+
"<li>Changez la taille des noeuds en utilisant le bouton <label>'Sizes'</label> et en selectionnant une option de calcul"+
"<img src='/static/img/slider_size.png'/>"+
"placement": "right",
"placement": "bottom",
"position": "inside",
"title":"Graph Exploration Toolbar",
"content":"<div>Explore your graph using this navigation bar"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='lensButton'></a>"+
"<li>To center the graph, click on the center button. </li>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='edgesButton'></a>"+
"<li>To calculate proximity measure and show the edges click on the button</li>"+
"<li>You can explore the graph using the slider and the macro/mesolevel button."+
"<div class='inline'><a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomPlusButton'></a>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomMinusButton'></a></div>"+
"title":"Outils d'exploration du Graphe",
"content":"<div>Explorer le graph en utilisant cette barre d'outils"+
"title":"Graph Exploration Toolbar",
"content":"<div>Explore your graph using this navigation bar"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='lensButton'></a>"+
"<li>To center the graph, click on the center button. </li>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='edgesButton'></a>"+
"<a style='float:right' href='#' id='edgesButton'></a>"+
"<li>To calculate proximity measure and show the edges click on the button</li>"+
"<li>You can explore the graph using the slider and the +/- button."+
"<div class='inline'><a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomPlusButton'></a>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomMinusButton'></a></div>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='lensButton'></a>"+
"<li>To center the graph, click on the center button.</li>"+
"<li>You can explore the graph using the slider and the macro/mesolevel button."+
"<div class='inline'><a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomMinusButton'></a>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomPlusButton'></a>"+
"title":"Barre d'outil d'exploration",
"content":"<div>Explorez votre graphe en utilisant la barre d'outil"+
"<a style='float:right' href='#' id='edgesButton'></a>"+
"<li>Calculez la mesure de proximité des noeuds et affichez les arc en cliquant sur le bouton</li>"+
"<a style='float: right;' class='btn-xs' href='#' id='lensButton'></a>"+
"<li>Centrez le graphe en clickant sur le bouton.</li>"+
"<div style='display:inline-block; float:right'><a class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomPlusButton'></a><a class='small btn-xs' href='#' id='zoomMinusButton'></a></div>"+
"<li>Vous pouvez explorer le graph en utilisant le zoom et les boutons:"+
"placement": "right",
"position": "inside",
......@@ -250,8 +252,8 @@ $("a.new_lang").on("click", function(){
old_lang = $("a#lang").data("lang")
new_lang = $(this).data("lang")
updateLang(lang, new_lang)
updateLang(lang, new_lang);
function updateLang(old_lang, new_lang){
......@@ -319,16 +321,11 @@ function loadHelp(lang){
else if (info["position"] == "before"){
console.log("position", info["position"])
//parent = $(el).parent()
//help = $(help_btn).appendTo(el)
//console.log(">>>>>", $(this))
//duplicate element and insert the button
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