- 07 Jul, 2017 1 commit
sim authored
- 07 Sep, 2016 2 commits
Romain Loth authored
unittests: revert the use of setUpClass for test node creation: the idea was valid but it triggers bug as in code.djangoproject.com/ticket/23325
Romain Loth authored
unittests: mini_test_samples for parsers: pubmed, europresse, istex and ris (zotero variant) working now with tests_090_toolchain
- 05 Sep, 2016 2 commits
Romain Loth authored
Romain Loth authored
- 01 Sep, 2016 2 commits
Romain Loth authored
Romain Loth authored
- 29 Aug, 2016 12 commits
Romain Loth authored
unittests: use TestCase.setUpClass for the test node creation (this way it will only be created once)
Romain Loth authored
Romain Loth authored
unittests: fixed framework to be able to use gargantext.util.db.session seemlessly on the test db as if it was the normal one (no need anymore for GargTestRunner.testdb_session)
Romain Loth authored
Romain Loth authored
Romain Loth authored
unittests: factorize (same tests for different resources) + start adding array of expected ndocs per test samples
Romain Loth authored
c24b authored
(rloth: merging only the file unittests/tests_090_toolchain.py from this past commit by c24b) (especially for the excellent logging strategy)
c24b authored
(rloth: merging only the file unittests/tests_090_toolchain.py from this past commit by c24b)
c24b authored
c24b authored
c24b authored
- 21 Jul, 2016 1 commit
delanoe authored
- 12 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Romain Loth authored
- 11 Jul, 2016 1 commit
Romain Loth authored